What is the *main* reason you don't act against climate change?

38 votes
Inertia: I believe I should act, but then somehow I just don't act
34% / 13 votes
I reject the scientific claim that climate change is happening
0% / 0 votes
I believe that my actions wouldn't make a difference
18% / 7 votes
I think acting against climate change is the state's responsibility
11% / 4 votes
I think acting against climate change is corporations' responsibility
3% / 1 vote
I'm waiting for a fair deal, because I refuse to act while others free-ride
8% / 3 votes
There are other political/moral issues I think are more important and I act on instead
11% / 4 votes
I prefer to maintain my current lifestyle
16% / 6 votes
Climate change isn't going to affect me
0% / 0 votes

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