What was your favorite Milestone 4 Match/Moment

28 votes
Pauly B vs Phynyx vs Chris Wrath
11% / 3 votes
Trajan Ender & Jayson Jaxon vs Sweet & Spicy (S&S's return after one year)
0% / 0 votes
Hunter Grey vs Tyler Cintron
4% / 1 vote
Martin Casaus vs Crimson (Crimson's NRW Debut/Casaus's upset win)
4% / 1 vote
NRW dedicating the event to Maddie
18% / 5 votes
Matt Yaden & Hoodlum vs Bad Influence (Matt Yaden turn his back on NRW's fans/Bad Influences Debut)
43% / 12 votes
Jeff McAllister vs Chavo Guerrero (Chavo's NRW Debut)
7% / 2 votes
Danger Dean vs Duff Doyle (Duff Doyle wins the NRW Title and ends Dean's 463 day reign)
14% / 4 votes

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