Theodore "T-Bag" Bagwell - "Prison Break" (2005-09)
Nina Myers - "24" (2001-04)
Arthur Mitchel alias The Trinity Killer - "Dexter" (2009)
Der Governor - "The Walking Dead" (2012-)
J.R. Irwing - "Dallas" (1978-2013)
Ben Linus - "Lost" (2006-10)
Gus Fring - "Breaking Bad" (2009-11)
Tywin Lannister - "Game of Thrones" (2011-)
The Smoking Man - "Akte X - Die unheimlichen Fälle des FBI" (1993-02)
James "Jim" Moriarty - "Sherlock" (2010-)
Lex Luthor - "Smallville" (2001-11)
Sylar - "Heroes" (2006-10)
Red John - "The Mentalist" (2008-)
Der Schwede - "Hell on Wheels" (2011-)
Stringer Bell & Avon Barksdale - "The Wire" (2002-08)