What speaker would you like to see at KU next semester?

60 votes
Jay Smooth ( http://www.illdoctrine.com/2009/06/allow_me_to_reintroduce_myself.html )
18% / 11 votes
Beverly Gooden (http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2014/09/09/whyistayed-she-saw-herself-in-ray-rices-wife-janay-and-tweeted-about-it-so-did-thousands-of-others/)
8% / 5 votes
Laci Green ( https://www.youtube.com/user/lacigreen )
67% / 40 votes
Or post your own answer in the comments! Feel free to offer topics if you don't have a person in mind!
7% / 4 votes

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