What is most likely to give your little one a fit of the giggles?

627 votes
Being given butterfly kisses
4% / 23 votes
Someone sneezing or blowing their nose
3% / 21 votes
Blowing raspberries on their tummy
15% / 97 votes
Reading or talking to them in a silly voice
6% / 35 votes
Tickling their feet
7% / 44 votes
Making funny faces at each other
5% / 30 votes
Playing peek-a-boo
9% / 55 votes
Telling them not to laugh
1% / 7 votes
Singing silly songs together
4% / 26 votes
Getting a piggy back
2% / 15 votes
Ripping paper
2% / 11 votes
Dancing together
4% / 27 votes
Making funny noises
7% / 46 votes
Telling jokes
1% / 7 votes
Giving each other Eskimo kisses
2% / 15 votes
Looking at animals
1% / 7 votes
Whispering in their ear
2% / 15 votes
Bouncing on your knee
6% / 40 votes
Chasing them
12% / 73 votes
Someone else laughing
5% / 33 votes

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