In your opinion, what should be the purpose of education? (No debate, just opinions! All welcome! This is for my own educational purposes. Feel free to comment to elaborate or express a choice that doesn't exist.)

72 votes
to produce skilled workers for the job force
11% / 8 votes
to teach children how to analyze and solve problems in all contexts
15% / 11 votes
to teach children everything they need to know up to a certain level about specific academic topics
8% / 6 votes
to prepare students for college
4% / 3 votes
to prepare students to be informed citizens in the world
17% / 12 votes
to create a well-rounded, knowledgeable child who can function well in society
26% / 19 votes
to give every child broad-based knowledge and even footing from which to start a career as adults
15% / 11 votes
I think the two I checked go together--if children are taught how to analyze and solve problems and they're informed about the world and their role in it, then education becomes the tool linking information, critical capacity, and action.
1% / 1 vote
Critical thinking
1% / 1 vote

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