Have you harassed anyone over #gamergate?

1 vote
#Gamergate is about Ethics in journalism not harassment, and no I have not. I also condemn harassment!
100% / 1 vote
0% / 0 votes
Yes, but I have been harassed by Anti-GG.
0% / 0 votes
0% / 0 votes
No, I have never seen anyone from #gamergate harass someone.
0% / 0 votes
No, but I have seen someone else in #gamergate harass someone.
0% / 0 votes
No, I have never seen anyone from #gamergate harass someone, but I have been harassed by Anti-GG.
0% / 0 votes
No, but I have seen someone else in #gamergate and Anti-#gamergate harass someone.
0% / 0 votes
No, all harassment on both sides is from 3rd party trolls.
0% / 0 votes
Yes, I am a 3rd party troll.
0% / 0 votes

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