What should the next Bookmark Title be?

94 votes
44% / 41 votes
Rule Variant
21% / 20 votes
Total Party Kill
16% / 15 votes
3% / 3 votes
2% / 2 votes
Equipment List
2% / 2 votes
Blank Title (for us to fill in)
1% / 1 vote
Character Bookmark - Shows HP, Temp HP, HD, AC, etc. to dry/wet erase on. Back side could be area to write known spells, special abilities, notes, etc.
1% / 1 vote
Mount; Ship; Misc.
1% / 1 vote
Character Advancement (Exp for levels)
1% / 1 vote
1% / 1 vote
That Darn Chart!
1% / 1 vote
Random Encounters
1% / 1 vote
a writeable marker
1% / 1 vote
Remember This Spot
1% / 1 vote
Blank ones in various colours
1% / 1 vote
Monster Template
1% / 1 vote

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