What are your eschatological views?

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Premillennialism (Also known as Chiliasm from the Greek word for "thousand"): The belief that the Second Coming of Christ occurs before the millennium, which is a literal 1000 years. The resurrection of Christians occurs at the beginning of the millennium, the resurrection of the unsaved at the end of the millennium.
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Zombies are definitely happening one day.
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Postmillennialism: The belief that the Second Coming of Christ occurs after the millennium. There is an increase in the spread of God's rule in every area of life during the millennium (a figurative concept referring to the entire New Testament age).
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I don't care.
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Amillennialism: The belief that the Second Coming occurs at the end of history, like postmillennialism, but there is no earthly millennium. The millennium is purely spiritual, applying only to heaven and the Church.
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The sun will implode thus ending our meaningless existence.
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Dispensationalism: The belief that history is divided into several distinct dispensations, or ages in which God relates to mankind in a different way. The most important distinction is between Israel's Age of Law on the one hand, and the Church's Age of Grace on the other. Dispensationalism is pretribulationist and premillennial. The Church Age ends and God's plan for Israel resumes when the Church is raptured at the beginning of the Tribulation. The millennium is Israel-centered: It rules over all other nations and animal sacrifices are performed in the Temple as in the Old Testament.
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