Who is your all time favourite Llantarnam School staff member?

366 votes
Mr Edwards (History, Welsh, Deputy Headteacher, Etc.)
13% / 48 votes
Mr Pirotte
6% / 23 votes
Mr Samuels (English)
5% / 20 votes
Miss Bevan (Religious Studies)
5% / 18 votes
Mr Kelloway (Geography)
4% / 16 votes
Mr Savory (Business, ICT, Sixth Form)
5% / 18 votes
Miss Ayres (Child Development, Health and Social Care, Design Tech)
5% / 17 votes
Mr Egerton (PE)
3% / 11 votes
Mr Fawke (Science)
4% / 13 votes
Gail Edwards (Sixth Form)
3% / 12 votes
Mrs Davies (Cooking, Sixth Form)
2% / 8 votes
Mr Harrison (PE)
2% / 9 votes
Mr Roberts (History)
2% / 8 votes
Mr Brenton (Drama, Sixth Form)
2% / 9 votes
Mr Davies (Music)
2% / 9 votes
Mrs Bryant (English)
2% / 9 votes
Mr Plummer (Science)
2% / 9 votes
Mr Stevens (Science)
3% / 10 votes
Mr Baker (Maths)
1% / 4 votes
Mrs Coleman (Drama)
2% / 6 votes
Mrs Lloyd (Science)
2% / 7 votes
Mr Bartlett (Science)
1% / 5 votes
Miss Roberts (Science)
1% / 5 votes
Miss Collins (History)
2% / 7 votes
Mrs Kinsella (Teaching Assistant)
2% / 7 votes
Mr Machin (Geography)
0% / 0 votes
Miss Smith (English)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Weston (Drama)
1% / 3 votes
Mr Wearne (Art)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Weeks (Science)
1% / 3 votes
Mr Trailor (Teaching Assistant)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Hurn (Teaching Assistant)
0% / 0 votes
Mrs Charlton (Teaching Assistant)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Hobson (Maths)
1% / 2 votes
Mr Miles (biology)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Woodman
0% / 1 vote
Miss Powell (Art)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Hannan
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Manning (p.e)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Seaborne (Art)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Shankland snr
0% / 1 vote
mrs norris
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Jelley
0% / 1 vote
Mr Gould (Maths)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Collacott (Colly) (GNVQ Business)
0% / 1 vote
Miss Davies/Mrs Wood (History)
0% / 1 vote
Ms Bruton
0% / 1 vote
Mrs bailey(english)
0% / 1 vote
Mr shank land
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Morgan
0% / 1 vote
Mr sheredon geography
0% / 1 vote
Ms Vennables (Payne) (Welsh)
0% / 1 vote
Mr williams (science)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Lilliestone (Textiles)
0% / 1 vote
Miss Traves (English)
0% / 1 vote
Mr williams
1% / 2 votes
Terry Cobner
0% / 1 vote
Mrs bruntnell (House Assistance)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Melhuish
1% / 2 votes
Mrs cobner
0% / 1 vote
Mr Fisher (Maths)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Roberts (canteen till lad)
0% / 1 vote
Miss Bruton (English)
0% / 1 vote
Miss Powell (Welsh)
0% / 1 vote
Miss Rosie
0% / 1 vote
miss williams (maths teacher)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Edwards (Maths)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs wise
0% / 1 vote
Mrs chivers(Maths)
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Paul (science)
0% / 1 vote
Barry Shankland
0% / 1 vote
Mrs Catherwood (Modern Languages)
0% / 1 vote
Mr Pearce - DT
0% / 1 vote
Mr Roberts (re)
0% / 1 vote
Miss Williams (Maths)
0% / 1 vote
Mr fisher
0% / 1 vote
Mr Prichard
0% / 1 vote
Miss H Williams maths
0% / 1 vote

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