Should Sunday be a mindfulness day?

0 votes
Should Sunday become a mindfulness day, all shops, businesses, transportation, tv/radio broadcasts and Internet/telephone networks cease on a Sunday. Nobody works, making people spend quality time with family, not sitting in front of the tv, they have to read, go out, be healthy, walk, enjoy their surroundings rather than take it for granted, develop hobbies. All these things would be good for the mind and allow for people to unwind and relax.
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The benefits would be wider, reducing the impact on the environment, cutting pollution from industry/business and transportation, etc. It should also reduce the commercialism that blights our society.
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Yes we would still need the emergency services to work, but with the money saved, this could be channeled into improving their salaries and compensating them for being the only ones to work.
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Yes, we think many would revolt against such an idea at first, but after a while we believe the benefits would become apparent on the wider social aspect.
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So what do you think, thoughts, views??
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