What are the worst driving sins?

2 votes

4. Sneaky queue jumping – The driver who sneaks past a huge queue of traffic and expects to be let in at the front.
50% / 1 vote
6. Speeding up at passing lanes – The (possibly) unconscious habit of pressing the loud pedal just a bit harder when a passing lane appears after holding up the traffic for the previous 10kms.
50% / 1 vote
1. Tailgating – a perennial chart topper. I wonder how many tailgaters hate tailgaters?
0% / 0 votes
2. Undertaking – Not organising funerals but maybe leading to one. The driver/rider that passes you up the inside.
0% / 0 votes
3. Texting while driving – it may be illegal for everyone else but for the texter, apparently.
0% / 0 votes
5. Non-indicating – the non-indicator doesn’t believe anybody else needs to know where they are going. Late indicating is not much better.
0% / 0 votes
7. Mobile phone talking while driving – It’s apparently illegal but you wouldn’t know it sometimes.
0% / 0 votes
8. Dawdling – The driver with not a care in the world, including the angry drivers stuck behind.
0% / 0 votes
9. Speed hump lightweight – especially those in a 4WD SUV who drive over a speed hump like they are fording a particularly tricky river.
0% / 0 votes
10. Slow driving in the fast lane – These drivers probably really hate tailgaters.
0% / 0 votes

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