I said shortly after I voted that if Hillary won I would run for Governor of the State of Wisconsin and if Trump won I would run for the Boarder. While as luck would have Hillary pull an Al Gore and won the Popular Vote and Trump pulled a Dubya and won the Electoral Vote. So I am asking you should I....

6 votes
A.) Stay here and Run for Governor in order to fix what Scott Walker already fucked up and try lessen the damage Trump will to.
0% / 0 votes
B.) Say fuck it and move to Canada or Thailand.
0% / 0 votes
C.) Put my fingers in my ears, close my eyes and go "La La La La" for the next 4 years.
17% / 1 vote
D.) Become an outspoken advocate for the disenfranchised.
50% / 3 votes
E.) Both A and D.
33% / 2 votes

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