Hi Friends! I need your help and value your feedback. My portrait art business is sort of going through an identity crisis. I’m trying to do this right from the beginning and get a trademark on the business name. I’m in love with the name Storybook. The problem is, I can’t trademark Storybook Studios because there is a ton of other storybook this or that already out there and the word Studios doesn’t count because it’s describing the industry of photography or video. BUT I can add another word to Storybook and use in combination. Keep in mind that my dream is to franchise this and have studios across the country, across the world! I know I dream BIG but totally POSSIBLE!

0 votes
Storybook Magic
0% / 0 votes
Magical Storybook Studios
0% / 0 votes
Storybook Castle
0% / 0 votes
Storybook Memories
0% / 0 votes
Stanford’s Storybook Studios (when franchised could be Amy’s Storybook Studios)
0% / 0 votes
Stanford’s Studios (Screw it, just go with my last name, you have the matching domain name and move on with your life! Lol)
0% / 0 votes

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