If a baseball team were to offer a theme night called "Redneck Night," how would you feel about this term? Please leave any additional comments, suggestions, or name suggestions in the comments! Thanks!

70 votes
I don't identify with the term Redneck and I support the term to be used.
54% / 38 votes
I don't identify with the term Redneck and I think is is demeaning to use.
24% / 17 votes
I would identify with the term Redneck and I support the term to be used.
14% / 10 votes
I would identify with the term Redneck and I think it is demeaning to use.
4% / 3 votes
I wouldn't necessarily say I identify with the term redneck but I'm from small town iowa and we had hick night and stuff at sporting events in high school and no one really took offense to it
1% / 1 vote
Don't identify, and don't support it because others might find it demeaning but I don't
1% / 1 vote

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