Cost of Education (Taxes)
Education for Different Learners
Clubs offered in the schools
Low high school ranking compared to other bayshore districts.
Over emphasis on test preparation and relentlessly pushing AP courses
Non effective administration
Student Data collected and shared without parent consent; the move from teacher-led education to computer-led education
Spending too much money on them
(I'm 22 so this is recent) Well when I was a student before I transferred back to a New York school the bullying was like nothing I have ever witnessed and so was the drugs
Lack of school trips and resources on the playgrounds
The amount of homework given on a daily basis..Too much..
Gender segregation on the MRS playground... why?!
How bullying issues are handled
Class size. Children who needed multiple teachers and aides in kindergarten are now in classes with 24 kids and 1 teacher. They cannot teach while addressing constant interruptions and issues.
After seeing the dismal math PARCC scores, something has to be done with how these children are being "taught" math.
Bullying being swept under the rug
Lazy teachers using Kahn Academy etc to teach
The idiots in the administration running it.