What is your biggest concern about our Hazlet Schools?

139 votes
Math Curriculum
21% / 29 votes
English Curriculum
2% / 3 votes
Cost of Education (Taxes)
19% / 26 votes
Education for Different Learners
14% / 19 votes
Sports Program
4% / 6 votes
Clubs offered in the schools
6% / 9 votes
Standardized Testing
19% / 27 votes
Low high school ranking compared to other bayshore districts.
1% / 2 votes
Over emphasis on test preparation and relentlessly pushing AP courses
1% / 1 vote
Non effective administration
1% / 1 vote
Student Data collected and shared without parent consent; the move from teacher-led education to computer-led education
1% / 1 vote
Spending too much money on them
1% / 1 vote
(I'm 22 so this is recent) Well when I was a student before I transferred back to a New York school the bullying was like nothing I have ever witnessed and so was the drugs
1% / 1 vote
Lack of school trips and resources on the playgrounds
1% / 2 votes
The amount of homework given on a daily basis..Too much..
1% / 1 vote
Gender segregation on the MRS playground... why?!
1% / 1 vote
How bullying issues are handled
1% / 1 vote
Class size. Children who needed multiple teachers and aides in kindergarten are now in classes with 24 kids and 1 teacher. They cannot teach while addressing constant interruptions and issues.
1% / 1 vote
After seeing the dismal math PARCC scores, something has to be done with how these children are being "taught" math.
1% / 1 vote
Variety in activity
1% / 1 vote
Bullying being swept under the rug
1% / 1 vote
Low school rating
1% / 1 vote
Lazy teachers using Kahn Academy etc to teach
1% / 1 vote
Science program
1% / 1 vote
The idiots in the administration running it.
1% / 1 vote

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