Has your opinion regarding NFL players kneeling during the Nation Anthem changed in the last few days?

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Yes, because I realized these dudes get paid way too much to be complaining about inequality or whatever
0% / 0 votes
No, because I am a staunch believer in the 1st Amendment except when I don't agree with a group of people and decide to hijack the conversation and make it about respect for our flag (because that's easier than just saying I just don't agree with their premise)
0% / 0 votes
Yes, because I decided to set my partisanship aside and not be blinded by what was directly in front of my face
0% / 0 votes
No, because I'm aware of the fact that racism, inequality and the brutalization of black bodies is still very much an issue here in the U.S. in 2017
0% / 0 votes

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