Kale truck cometh. (Paula Deacon)
This year, instead of cutting down a healthy evergreen, why not get a kale tree instead? (Beth Sieber)
#LegalizeIt (William Cassidy)
Headed out for one kale of a good time! (Andrea Oriend)
Hope we don’t experience any kale-force wind. (Becky Thomas)
Super-KALE-ifragilisticexpialidocious! (Marcella Sarkozy)
Ready to start my 87-day cleanse! (Michael Avery)
Kaleinfornia here I come! (Carol Viccaro)
Waiting to exkale. (Brian Jerman)
We could go kale-gating! #party (Kecia Binko)
Kale me back for more. (Robyn DiFrancesco)
All Kale at the Market (Kelly Sanchez Horton)
My wife left one pound of kale in the truck. Some jerk broke in and left me 30 pounds more. (Jason Dobbs)
Over hill, over kale, we will hit the Public Market trail! (Dale Hollmen)
Dan vastly underestimated the size and value of Market produce over store-bought. (Michael McFadden)
Enough kale for Godzilla, the Jolly Green Giant, AND the Hulk! (Kristin D’Angelo Clark)
Too early for a Christmas tree. (Linda de la Cruz)
Oh KALE NO! (Lilly Stojanovski Fursman)
Take me to your leader. (Thomas Chefalo)
Honk if you love kale! (Sarah Sevedge)
A new tradition this year—a kale tree! (Melissa Lynch)
Eat more kale! (Sheila Nielsen)