As a result of the tax bill vote in the Senate last night, what are you willing to do?

23 votes
22% / 5 votes
Work harder to get more progressive people elected to public offices in my neighborhood, state, and nation.
17% / 4 votes
Visit my Representative's office this week.
13% / 3 votes
Relentlessly communicate with my Moc's.
13% / 3 votes
Urge my friends and family to join in the communication plan.
13% / 3 votes
Raise money for democratic resistance.
13% / 3 votes
Write a detailed letter to the editor outlining the deplorable bill impact on my family/community.
4% / 1 vote
Call using Indivisible's (easy to use) Hub Dialer to urge folks in other states to call their R Senators and Reps.
4% / 1 vote

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