Are pies sweet calzones?

3 votes
33% / 1 vote
They're both sandwiches
33% / 1 vote
AJ you’re a degenerate. Also, of course not. The Meriam-Webster dictionary defines pie as a “meat dish baked with biscuit or pastry crust” or “a dessert consisting of a filling (as of fruit or custard) in a pastry shell or topped with pastry or both”. It defines calzone as “a baked or fried turnover of pizza dough stuffed with various fillings usually including cheese”. Pies do not use pizza dough, they use pie dough, the main difference being you use yeast in pizza dough while the same is not true of pie dough. Furthermore, pies are made with a shell while calzones are folded upon themselves. As a result, they fall in to a completely different category of baked good. In conclusion, at the most general level, pies are not “sweet calzones”. Also, for the record, pies are not always sweet anyway so checkmate.
33% / 1 vote
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