Which shirt should be LEAN's external campaign shirt? Attempt 2

36 votes
We got the message that many of you didn't really like the last lot of T-shirt proposals at all!
0% / 0 votes
The key concern we heard from the feedback was that people wanted a bit more "environment" in their environment T-shirt, see what you think of these. Tell us which one you like. The one with the most votes wins.
0% / 0 votes
Please note, the Baseball T-shirts can be made with either long or short sleeves, so we can do both. The costs are similar, although the full colour bird will be a transfer not a screen print (like our current enviro laws Ts).
0% / 0 votes
Apologies the pics are different sizes.
0% / 0 votes
The back of the T-shirt will include the list of Labor enviro achievements a la the current green shirt. Have posted a pic of the green version on the LEAN discussion FB site.
0% / 0 votes
No 1
14% / 5 votes
No 2
3% / 1 vote
No 3
3% / 1 vote
No 4
19% / 7 votes
No 5
22% / 8 votes
No 6
3% / 1 vote
No 7
36% / 13 votes

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