Hey all! We are toying with the idea of changing the name of the haunt due to the fact that we will no longer be on Eden Avenue, and we want your help! Below are a few ideas that have come to mind. Let us know what you think, and even add your own ideas if you have some!

23 votes
Haunted Eden
30% / 7 votes
Last Rites
13% / 3 votes
Carnage House
13% / 3 votes
9% / 2 votes
House of Hades
9% / 2 votes
9% / 2 votes
Haunt from Eden
4% / 1 vote
I think you should keep it haunt on Eden and then outside new place have a lamp post and Eden street sign.
4% / 1 vote
Eden's Afterlife
4% / 1 vote
Keep the original bc that’s where it all started and what everyone knows it by
4% / 1 vote
Dead House
0% / 0 votes

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