Based on relevance and alignment with the overall vision of IAGON, which name suggestion do you prefer for the IAGON AI Protocol Score?

87 votes

IagonWingChain Score - IWC: This name aims Iagon to spread wings to fly high. A dragon without strong wings can't fly as high as he can.
51% / 44 votes
Thunder Cloud Score:Because this relates to Iagon's "cloud" computing platform. The miners are what power the platform, and thunder is the purest form of power.
24% / 21 votes
Iagon Genesis Score (IGS) or Iagon Sky Score (ISS): The name resonates with the vision of IAGON. Genesis, the beginning or Sky as in there are no limits.
15% / 13 votes
Agon & Nikao Score- NKS: Agon (Greek competition or challenge). Nikao (Greek overcome)
9% / 8 votes
Iagon Cloud's Color ICC: The list of cloud types is a summary of classifications. The ten main genus-types in the troposphere are grouped into altitude-levels; high (cirrus, cirrocumulus, cirrostratus), middle (altocumulus, altostratus), multi-level (nimbostratus, cumulus, cumulonimbus), and low (stratocumulus, stratus). Small cumulus are commonly grouped with the low clouds because they do not show significant vertical extent. Of the multi-level genus-types, those with the greatest convective activity are often grouped separately as towering vertical.
1% / 1 vote

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