Yes, Person B needs to pay up, or get punked out, or
1.) Person A, who is on the lower level position of the totem pole that person B aka "MARK ASS BUSTER"is withholding a higher rank, while Person A gets hemmed up by the Fuzz, and put in jail because items that the great state of Oregon, and the "fucking way to go USA" Federal government, consider to be punishable by law when a civilian possesses such items known by the law as a Controlled Substance(s). Thus, based on the general amounts of such said Controlled Substance(s) found in this case, on Person A at the time of police interference, and most importantly because of the potential possibility of these said items to be allegedly used for personal, tax free monetary gain, people such as Person A get the oppertunity to serve out their civilian wrongdoings through the fabricated lie known as consequential rehabil