In the event that Lakeside Pharmacy invested in the set up of an advanced portable lab inside the pharmacy , using up to date point of care testing devices . tests will include : 1-A1C AND blood sugars 2- lipid profile : cholesterol , LDL,HDL ,TG ,..3-Kidney function : creatinine , eGFR , ACR ,..4- Liver function : AST ALT Bilirubin 5-Thyroxin 6-Influenza test 7-Strepthroat test 8- INR and more . Devices used are the latest technologies , FDA approved and Health Canada approved . tests time take less than 30 minutes . 5 minus in some cases . the price will range depending on how many tests requested , complexity of tests and others , but will range between $25 for simple tests to $100 for a full test . all tests will be linked electronically to your smart phone or computer through an app individualized to each patient . you can take to your doctor for results and also can be used to personally track your health markers trend . The question WOULD YOU PAY FOR SUCH A SERVICE ?

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