When Joanna and I get engaged/married, who will propose to whom, and who will take whose last name?

34 votes
Joanna proposes to Jaede
35% / 12 votes
Jaede takes Joanna’s last name
21% / 7 votes
Joanna takes Jaede’s last name
9% / 3 votes
Jaede proposes to Joanna
6% / 2 votes
Joanna and Jaede are having breakfast. Joanna turns to Jaede and says "I've been thinking" Jaede says "We've been together a long time" Joanna says " I obviously love you and care for you" Jaede says " I love you and care for you and your well-being" Joanna says " so I was thinking" Jaede says" it might be crazy" Joanna says " I'm down for crazy" jaede and Joanna in unison say " will you marry me?" And y'all keep your last name and the pets get hyphenated last names
6% / 2 votes
Everyone keeps their last names OR you both hyphenate
3% / 1 vote
propose mutually, hyphenate that shit
3% / 1 vote
Pearney or Cearson
3% / 1 vote
Both will propose and hyphenated
3% / 1 vote
3% / 1 vote
Either keep your last names or hyphenate.
3% / 1 vote
I miss u pls come visit me, love nina, also come helo coach us
3% / 1 vote
3% / 1 vote

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