Why do you chase points?

22 votes
41% / 9 votes
5% / 1 vote
0% / 0 votes
Something to do
32% / 7 votes
Personal goal of winning a championship
5% / 1 vote
I have chased points for 45 years. It's a form of challenge and accomplishment all in one. the few options you have here don't come close to apply. and the fact you ask the question means you don't understand it.
5% / 1 vote
Friendly competition with my buddies
5% / 1 vote
Force myself to race the series regardless of the track or conditions plus bragging rights
5% / 1 vote
I have never been able to... started to late in life but would love to chase points because I love competing! In track there were no points just who is faster. I think chasing points really shows who has the whole package. Some guy may be faster than me but crashes every other race and beat him in the long run. For me I would love to do a full series because I haven't ever been able to.
5% / 1 vote

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