Page Directory: 1,000-500 likes
"Kannst du mir deinen Ausweis zeigen?"-"Ähm nein aber mein geistiges Alter ist 18 also geben Sie mir den scheiß wodka!!!"
"Rainbow Gathering of Love, India, 2011/2012
"Wer mich in Jogginghose nicht liebt, hat mich gestylt nicht verdient!"
"Славянский Кремль" Виталия Сундакова
#Occupy Cinema
#UST @ 400
''Keep laughing"
'you okaay?' 'yeaah:)' - biggest lie ever told.
(best friends) -age 5- friend: *cries* you:*hugs* "it okay: -age 15- friend: *cries* you: *grabs metal bat* "okay, where is he?" ... *whack, then walks away*
...eindeutig-zweideutig - Ich denke zuerst an das Perversere...=OP
1 shirt helps 1 child get adopted PLEASE HELP!!!
1000 Kinder sehen, 1000 Kinder hören
2% y + Mujeres en Política
2020 Oklahoma
21 put prema uspjehu
22 to 0
25 FB Tools
2nd Sunday Kentucky
30-3-2011 يوم الاعتصام العام فى كل الدول العربيه ضد جرائم اسرائيل
365 Days of Choice
365 Dias de Agir
38 Shades of Listowel
40 ideas.
5 km en habit pompier pour 2 enfants malades
A E KA Shiprija
A Leap of Faith
A National Student Concession Card
A todo ritmo
A trop s'attacher on finit par souffrir ...
A Year Without Shoes
A3ta9ni | أعتقني
Aamra bhai kaam-er na, Naam-er
Abolish Human Abortion - Tupelo
Abolitionist Society of Central New York
Acciónate X Aguascalientes
Adopt a Wolf: Defenders of Wildlife Adoption and Gift Center
Adopt don't Shop SA
AdopteUn Rat
Adrenal Fatigue Revolution
Advocacy Advance
Advocates of the Arts Initiative
Agroecologas En RED
Agrupacion chilena Defensora al usuario en salud
Aider et protéger les animaux
Aidont D'urgence Les Tunisiens Réfugiés en France
Air Force Officer (USAF) Recruiting, Bradley-Morris, Inc.
Airsoft zbrane
AlabamaSarah WorldWelfareActivist
Alienated Family United
Alive & Thrive
Állatbarát cégek, munkahelyek oldala
Alon Ben-Meir
Am o poveste pentru tine
Americans for Fair Taxation
Americas Bowl
Amigo não se Compra
Amigos da Mixórdia
Amigos Vigilantes Zona Chapultepec
Amnesty International Jongeren Leuven
Amnesty International UEA
AMP Bay Area
AMP'd for Avery
Anders Bircow - Foredrag
Andy PsyDriver
Angel's Choice
Angels For Angela
Angioma Alliance Philippines
Animal Force
Animal Rescue Associates
Animals Support
Anime is a fucking mistake.
Anna Munsterhjelm, Suomen Partiolaisten puheenjohtaja
Anonymous NZ
Another Chance Cat Rescue
Another reason why Australia's the best We invented the bikini
ANTI ยองมิน SM Entertainment
Anti-Eviction Taskforce Leitrim and Sligo
Anti-Illuminati, Anti-Mason 666 & Anti-Satanism
Arkeogazte: Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores en Arqueología
- 卍
Armchair Advocates
ARMOR - American Rights & Militia Operation of the Republic
Army of Chase
Arödskatterna - Månadsgåvan
Art of Positive Thinking
Art of Revolution
ART Reporters Without Borders
Artists Anonymous
Aruba no kier tende mas di Gabinete Eman II
Asbl la Maladie de Verneuil en Belgique
Asia Pacific Ambassadors for Water APAW
Aso Escuelas de Psicología
Asociación Mercader
Association RAINUIATEA - Sauvons notre planète en musique
ATGTI Diplomatiya İşçi Qrupu
Atlanta Messengers of the Gospel
AUCAS Familia Y Tradición
Austin Beyond Coal
Australia Says No to the Islamisation of Our Nation
Autism Action Ghana
Autónomos Álava
Awaken Peace
Awkward Pause...
Ayahuasca Prajna
AYF Greece - Αρμενική Νεολαία Ελλάδος 2
Ayo Film Indonesia
B-UP Brigadas UP
Babe Heffron Memorial Fund
Baby Teresa
Back From Nature
Baganha Basta
Bahrain Positive Energy Center
Bajka Bez Barier
Baku Summer Oil School
Banche Armate
Barn Ska Va Barn
Barry O'Farrell - Stop your attack on Law Abiding Firearm Owners
Bass Anglers Against Bullying Foundation
Be Artsy(YP and ABCT)
Be My Voice! Hawai'i
Be the Voice
Beautiful Yemen
Beauty Within ME
BeCause Water
Beerschot Ac de ploeg van je hart
Being Pakistani
Belgium is biutiful
Believe in me
Bienal Internacional de Arte Postal de Fortaleza
Birth Activist Collective
Birth Freedom Network
Bisexual Solidarity
Black Label Baits Czech
Black Lives Matter Global
Blijf met je handen af van onze zwarte piet
BLUE Ocean Film Festival
Bocephus Belongs
Book 'Em NC Writers Conference & Book Fair
Booneville Animal Shelter
Boston Education Justice Alliance
Boston Jobs Coalition
boy text- hey ur so hot wna go out? girl text- omg yeah! girl in person-heeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyy boy in person- hi (then walks the other way)
Boycott a meeting on January 19, 2011.
Boycott Canada Goose Jackets.
Boycott sodastream
Boyfriends who actually treat their girlfriends like princesses :)
Boyfriends who actually treat their girlfriends like princesses :)
Breatheasy Programme SA
Bref Je Suis Célibataire
Bring a Splash Pad to Wilmot
Bring Back The Mom and Pop Stores
Bring MLS to Tampa Bay
Bully Off - Feelings Matter
Bunnies & Dynamite! Charity Pin-up Calendar for Help for Heroes
burhan g
Burntwood & Cannock Chase Community First Responders
Business Profit Income Solutions 4 All
Byblos 45
BYX Island Party
cadpp - Pela Anulação da Dívida
Café de Kuna
Call for Books
Camarines norte wildlife and environment for tourism movement
Campaña 28 de Septiembre | Puerto Rico
Can Dan!
Canada Remembers
Canadian Artists Against Bullying
Canadians for Clean Prosperity
Cancer Survivor: Wedding in Paradise
Cannabisclub de Huiskamer
Capturing Life Photography
Cardiac Climbers
Caribbean Medpsych Ltd - Neuropsychology
Carrera Caminata TENA CR
Cascadian Farm's Change Flows Campaign: California Region
Casco - Cantiere Scuola Osasco
Catchy Cats
Causality : branding and creative services
CDCA Belgique - Comité de Défense de la Cause Arménienne - Hay Tad Belgium
Central Valley Partnership
Centro de Estudos Bíblicos - CEBI PR
Centro de Reeducacion Emocional y Drogodependencia Tu Paz es Posible
Centro para una Sociedad sin Estado
Centro Rehabilitacion de Pitbull
Centrul Naţional pentru Conservarea şi Promovarea Culturii Tradiţionale
Cerem condamnarea lui Ion Iliescu
CEU - Centro de Empreendedorismo Universitário
Chaos-Riding for those in need
Charcot Marie Tooth
Charlotte Dance Marathon
Charlotte Strong
Chattanooga Democratic Socialists of America
Cheap 'n' Slim
Cheatin Men/Women Exposed 215 Edition
Cheektowaga Youth and Recreation
cher lloyd is mint :) JK, she thinks shes a black gangster :L
cher papa noel l'année dernière tu as pris mon chanteur préfère michael jackson mon acteur favori Patrick Swayze mon actrice favorite farrah fawcett sans oublier ma nounou super nanny je voudrais te rappeler que mon homme politique favori est Nicol...
Chilaquiles Mexicanos
China and Israel's friendship
Choose LIFE Youth SA
CHOSA: Children of South Africa
Christian-Muslim Solidarity Network
Cine a tras în noi DUPĂ 22
Citizens For A Better Citronelle "Taking Our Town Back"
Ciudadanos Inconformistas
Classical Liberalism
Click here to support Extradition Crisis for Student Richard O'Dwyer by Angela Roberts
Climate Change is Real
Climate Smart Cape Town - taking action for climate change
Club de Vegetarianos del Paraguay
Coalition for a Strong America
Codie's fatal stay at the San Frangisk Animal Welfare Centre at Ta' Qali
COLDelites VITians
Coletivo Alimente a mente
Collaborative Creations
Colorado NORML Women's Alliance
Comité Amplio para la Búsqueda de Equidad - CABE
Community Cats Toronto
Community Storytelling
Como Votar El Salvador
Compassionate Are We
Compassionate St. Augustine
Con tutto il cuore con i bambini della Siria
Conselheiro Cidadão Tribunais de Contas Ceará
Consent Crew
Conservative Christian
Consideran que no tenemos capacidad para participar en las decisiones, pero sí para endeudarnos. ¡Democratización ahora!
Contingente MX
Contra o Especismo, uma outra opinião
Contre le projet d'Hydro a Saint Adolphe d'Howard et dans les Laurentides
Coordinadora Solidaridad Cuba-Argentina
Cork Womens Right to Choose Group
Corporation 2020
Cosplay4Charity NL
Cover Maine Now
Cox 48
Crafting for Paws
Crea Cultura
Critters For The Cure
Cross Candle cc
Crossroads Hope Academy
Cuidando a un Angelito, A.C. Albergue Temporal
CULL-Cayman United Lionfish League
Cut Cap Balance Pledge
CVJM-Ostwerk e.V.
Dallas SlutWalk
Dam Pracę w Wieleniu
Damiaanactie Vlaams Brabant
Dana Poole Scholarship Foundation
Danish Rainbow Awards
Dannylions Pieces for Autism
Das ist kein Fett, sondern unangespannte Muskelmasse.
DBUENAestampa - Arte que ayuda.
De Hereniging Flevoland
De mooiste tiener van Limburg
De Noormannen
Dear 8 year old, Get off of facebook and go back to club penguin
Dear Wall Street, Fuck you
Decoding Dyslexia - CO
Decolonizing Solidarity
Déglingué scatophile et communiste
Deichacht Krummhörn
Deklarasi Muharram 1435 H
Delta Veterans Group
Dem - where small voices count
Demokratik Azərbaycan Hərəkati
Demokratska Stranka MO Futog
Derrick Wood Enterprises
Des Moines Area Moustache Network (D.A.M.N.)
Desenxufa'ls - Coalició Compromís!
Detroit Open Carry
Devon English Defence League official EDL
Dia de la Llengua i de la Cultura Valencianes
DIE LINKE. München
Dolfijn vakanties
Dollogozhda, Histori,atdhedashuri, tradite dhe kulture.
Don't call my phone and ask me who i am . . you called ME !
Donate Infinity
Douces Paroles d'Amour
Down President Mahmoud Abbas
Draft Tom Perriello for US Senate
Dragonfly Climate Collective
Dream Fab Match:let's spike ME/CFS and FMS (Fibromyalgia)
Dreptul La Libertatea De Exprimare
Drone Campaign Network
Du bist meine Traumfrau, also verhalte dich auch entsprechend!!
Du siehst aus als könnte ich einen Drink vertragen!!!
Duke Students for Justice in Palestine
Dupla Face
E Dua Shqiperine e Zhvilluar
Earlham College REInvestment Campaign
Easterville Rescue Network
Eating For Charity
Eatmewhileimhot México
Eco-Schools Programme Malaysia
Ecuador Minister of Health: Close fake "clinics" that torture LGBT in order to "cure" them
Edible Edinburgh
Ein dagur á grynnuni
either accept me as a friend or ignore the request. there is nothing worse than seeing that 'awaiting friend confirmation' shit for about 3 weeks :)
Eivissa Sostenible
El Balambeo
El Intisar
ELFS who wants ss4 in manila
Eli Clark
Elkay 100 Billion Bottle March
Élő Bolygónk
Elyse Hope Killoran and The Choosing Prosperity Game
Empower Your Future
EMS Against Cancer
EN 57 EZT ,, Typowy Kibel"
Enclave Treviño
End the ECB
Endo Empowered
Endo Warrior Shirt
EP Competition
Equality Headquarters
Escola de Infantes e Cadetes dos B. V. Valadares
Esperanto, oficiala lingvo de Eŭropa Unio, nun
Estate Sicure
Esto Es Cultura
Ethiopia Deaf Xperience
European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion
Everyday Ambassadors
Everyday Heroes
Everything You Can Imagine Is Real
Ex-Racehorses Directory
Excel Education Foundation
F.O.C. - Flacarile Omoara Copii
Facciamo i conti con Sky, Vodafone, Enel ecc.
Fack ju Friedhelm
Failure At Life
Fair Admissions Campaign
Family Crisis Center, Inc.
Fantastična Muzika
Feb 9th is National Sweater Day!
Feminism Pakistan
Fia Oficina de Artesãs
Fight GOP Voter Suppression
Fin Free Australia
Fin Free Florida
Finding a Kidney for Carol
Finley's Gift
Finno-Ugric Unity
FIRMA PER SALVIAMO Carditello. Tesoro d'Italia. Patrimonio dell'Umanità
FIRMA PER sanzioni penali per i responsabili dei reati ambientali
Firma questa petizione: "Chiudiamo i bordelli di animali in Danimarca"
Firma questa petizione: "Stop alla violenza sessuale sugli animali"
fixing your boxers because your balls feel weird.
Fjala E LIRE
Flowers Sea Swim
Flying for Kosovo
Follow Your Heart
Fonds 21
Food Saviours
Forever Home
Forlaget Korridor
Foro Salud Pública Ecuador
Forza Israele
Foundry Helsinki
Free Dove Market
Free Gay India
Free JoJo
Free Kiska
Free Kurdistan & Free Tamazgha inshallah
Free Software Movement of India
Freedom For America
Friends of Blue Mountain Community College
FRINGE-njufoc Paranormal
From Noah to Hercules
Fuera Multimedios
Fundacion Amigos Caleidoscopio, A.C.
Fundación Sigo Caminando, Inc
Fundacja Kompendium
Funding for Women who have PTSD cause by Domestic Abuse
Funhouse Art & Music Festival
Fusion Canarias
Futbola diena
FV out of sync issues = 1 FV CASH
FWIA Frankfurt
Fٍِِree & Proud حـــــر وافتـــــخر
G-Cos Mujjus - Mtv Gang Next 2.0
Gala - Élevons la voix pour l'arthrite
Ganito Tayo Noon... 1980-1986
Garé comme une merde - Suisse
Gator Squad
Gayo Fantastic
Gazzon Platform
Gear West
Geh Kühe melken, du Bauer.
GEMA Pembebasan Sultra
Generatia Noua apreciaza si sustine Generatia Matura
Genki Fukushima
Georgia Center for Humane Education
German Jager
Gestión Cultural Texcoco - Proyecto CCEMT.
Get U.S. There
Geula Psak Din
Gilbert Heritage District
Giovane Italia Monfalcone
Girando a Lo LoCo
Girl to boy: I found your coat! Boy: Oh can I have it back? Girl: Nope FINDERS KEEPERS! Boy: Well I found you, so can I keep you? :) <3
Girlfriends With Aging Parents
Giusepeppe Sappio
Give Hattie McDaniel an Oscar; Support the replacement of her plaque
Give It Fresh Today
Give Jay Life
Giving Bach
Giving What We Can: Oxford
Global Entrepreneurship Week - Kyrgyzstan
Global Hafla for Humanity
Global Shapers Beirut
Gloria agli Assassini
GMO-Free Ohio
GMO-Free Tampa Bay
Go Fuck Yourself
Go Topless for Humble Heroes
God's Grace Dog Rescues TN
Goddamn Cobras
Goldline International Financial Mutual Aid System. Make Money Online
Good360 Australia
Government Free Marriage
Grace Elizabeth Shaw Foundation
Gran Logia de Colombia
Great Christmas Idea That Also Helps Young Girls
Green Hashtag
Greens for Fair Voting
Gridiron Support
Grinnell College Innovator in Social Justice Prize
Group Against Child Pornography Sites On Fb
Groupe d'Entraide des Auteurs Rôlistes
Grow Food, Not Lawns UK
Grow Missouri
Grupo Manos Monterrey
GSEA 2013
Gujar Khan Youth Wing
Gun Raffles and Giveaways
Hablemos De Sindrome De Down
Hacking Games DLL
Hanuuninta Bulshada
Happy Oree Friends
Happy Paws
Happy_virus 찬열
Haters gonna hate
Haukelands Venner
Headbanging for a Cure
Healing for Cille
Health by Design
HeartRescue Project
Her Juggling Act
Here Tiger Rules
Here's your knife back, I finally got it out of my back. I'm sure you'll be needing it again soon.
Heroes Against Child
Heroes Day
Heroes Halo
Heterodoxia - Comunidad de Hombres por la Igualdad
Hey, die Sonne scheint, da werd ich mal in kurzen Hosen fernsehn
Hip Hop Appreciation Week
HIV Advocacy and Awareness
Hiv Aids Friends
HIV Here & Now Project
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'Abbassare gli stipendi e gli sprechi dei politici', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'AIUTATECI A SALVARE LELE!!', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'cane buttato giù da un palazzo', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'Fermiamo la mattanza dei cavalli da corsa', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'No all'omofobia a Lecce', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'NO alla chiusura del Bolgia', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'pensione ai politi solo a 67 anni di età o 42 di contributi', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'Rivoluzione Via Web', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'SALVIAMO I DISABILI', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'salviamo l'Orchestra Sinfonica Siciliana', firmala anche tu!
Ho appena firmato la petizione 'VOTIAMO AL REFERENDUM DEL 12 GIUGNO 2011', firmala anche tu!
Hogar Justo Hogar
Holistic Baher
Honour and Loyalty
Hope for the AV Angels
HOPE Movement
Human Traffic Watch: News on Modern Day Slavery
Humans of Silverstream
Hunger-Free Minnesota
Hunter's Ride
I <3 Boobies (KEEP A BREAST)
I Hate One Sided Love
i have learned that pleasing everyone is too hard, but pissing everyone off is a piece of cake
i just simply love you
I Love My India
I Love My Ocean Planet
I love Salgótarján
I Vote Good
i wanna talk to you so bad, but i hate feeling like i bug you. :/
i wish i could turn back time...
I-L-O-V-E-Y-O-U has eight letters, but baby, so does B-U-L-L-S-H-I-T...
Ibiza Winter Flights
ich berreue nicht meine vergangenheit ; sondern die zeit, die ich mit den falschen leuten verbracht habe ;
Ich beschimpfe Dinge, wenn sie nicht das tun was ich will!
Ich bin eine FRAU und kann RÜCKWÄRTS einparken!
Ich bin stolz ein Österreicher zu sein!
Ich liebe es - endlich ohne Schulden zu leben【ツ】
IDAHO Philippines
IDD - International Day of Democracy
Iets Liefs
Igralište Prihvatilište
III % Georgia
Images of Health
Imaginarium of Macedon
Imperial Health Charity
- - Houston, TX
In Her Image
In order to succeed, you must fail, so that you know what not to do the next time. :)
In Texas We Know When to Pass
In9 Eventos
Indian day motorrally
Indianapolis Literary Pub Crawl
Indie Caucus
Information Center
InfoSord-Catalunya. Sociedad de la Información y Servicios para Sordos
Iniciativa PUMA-BÚS en FES Aragón
Institut de Política Lingüística - ACPV
International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia - Fiji
Invisible Children GMU
Io Voto
Ironpaw Promotions
It takes one -- and it starts with you
It was ME Campaign
Italia Ishinomaki Project
J Oe V Er Is
Jack's Path: Paving the way for troubled youth.
Jackson Family Global Partnership
Jayne's Awareness Spoonies
JCI IOBA Curacao Creative Young Entrepreneur Award Program
Jeunes tunisiens libres
John Mayberry Jr. should be a starter
Jordan T T Chambers
Jornal Ganapati
Journey of a Wet Nurse
Jovenes Con VosZ
Jóvenes en Progreso.
Jug Jams - Musicians & Fans United for a Cure.
Jugendbüro Wald
Jumalanpilkkapykälä poistettava Suomen laista
Justice for Captain
Justice For Jeremy
Justice™ For Trayvon Martin
Juventud Montonera
Kami Naman, Kabataan
Kampanya para sa Makataong Pamumuhay-KAMP
Keep It Clean - waste & recycling solutions for you and me
Keep Singapore Beautiful Movement
Keep Wales Tidy - Cadwch Gymru'n Daclus
Keepers Foundation
Kelamin Utuh Indonesia
Kempen Boikot Demi Palestin 1-31 Julai 2010
Kerala Prohibition Council . കേരള മദ്യനിരോധന സമിതി
Kerzenlicht der Hoffnung für Japan
Keystone Community Action
Kharkiv IT cluster
Khushi - Because every child deserves to smile
Kianga Project
Kids have the right to read about Palestine
Kingdom Kids Outreaches South Africa
Kipawa Lake Preservation Society
Kiss Printing
Kom op Maldegem
Kompleksi Memorial Reçak
KONY 2012 Jamaica
KPN Mooiste Contact Fonds
Kreativní Česko
Kritika Prostora Jezgre Zadra
Kwaliteitsvol onderwijs voor iedereen
La Corona
La Muchachada Newkera
La Page Socialiste
La Voce dei Quartieri - Palermo
Label GMOs Atwater/Merced, CA
Lacan Circle of Australia
LAF Lega Anti Freakkettoni
Lahjakkaat lapset
Las Brujas de Laspaúles - Lo Consel de Laspauls
Las mujeres son otakus y gamers
Le manteau d'avenir
Leave Our Kids Alone
Les Amis Du Toukoul
Les plus Belles femmes Et les plus beaux Hommes du tunisie
Les Rats des animaux formidables
Lest We Forget Walk
Let There Be Light - in Nigeria
Let's buy EPE and return Elvis to the fans
Let's lodge a complaint against God for:
Let's make a Guinness world record 80 million likes
Lets Support Insaf Public School project
Lexington Lee Jackson Vigil/Protest
Libera Pomezia Presidio Rosario Livatino
Liberal and Progressive Independence
Liberal Warriors GOP Spyglass
Liberemos a Puerto Rico de la ley del Cabotaje.
Libertad para los presos politicos Saharauis
LIBtards Gone Wild
Life Saving Group
Lift the Ban on Women in Combat Arms
Light the Lakes
Like To Vote
Liking Traps is Perfectly Fine
Lilia Carrillo y Juan Carlos Flores. Ygv. Líderes de Impacto
Lincoln's Place
Linda Tegen Melanoom
Little Black Dress Party
Living Integrity
Living My Green Life
Locally Owned Salt Lake City
Looking For Answers
Lori's Cats, Inc.
Love Letters 2 Strangers
Love Me Or Hate me But Don't Play With Me
LPC La Plata Consciente LPC
Luigi Leonardi
Luke moran R.I.P.xx
Made in Greece Βραβεία
Mai più violento
Maidan Minnesota
Maiden Gypsies
Main Aisi Qoum Se Hoon
Mais Santarém
Make Accessibility Mandatory
Make it a crime to protest at a Military Funeral
Making a rare child healthy
Maltese flag in farmville!!!!
Mani 30 març 2014 Brussel·les
Manos al Planeta
March 4 Justice: Change federal policy and legislation
March Against Monsanto - Colorado
March for Scientific Literacy
Margaret Sloss Center for Women and Gender Equity
Marie's Garden for Autism and Asperger's
Marijuana News
Marshall County Shop With a Cop
Más Habilidad
Mas me alejo,mas te kiero¡¡
MBBS & DDS Class Of 2K17 Presents Smoker 2014
MC 23
MCD - Movimento Dos Cidadãos Pela Dignidade
McGill Students for Feminisms
MCS Lost & Found
Medicare For Autism Now
Meditators of Mumbai
Meeting of Worshipers
Meg Dean Africa 2015
Memory Matters Utah
Men 4 Modesty
Mengagumi Tanpa Di Cintai
Mental Health Matters - Stomp Out Stigma
Mere frihed til familien
Merseyside CND
Mi Música Tu Refugio
Mi pequeño mundo gira entorno a ti
Mi-Pa | UniAmiamo l'Italia in Vespa e libertà
Michelle & Celines Spring Fling
Migration Working Group
Milwaukee River Marathon
Minganie sans uranium
Minimum safe passing distance between cyclists and motorists
Miracles for Mike
Mişcarea Populară Rovinari
Miss Asian American Colorado
Missing People In The Inland Northwest, Lets Bring Them Home
Mission INDIA Possible
Mizzou Students for Life
MJ and Stuff
MO Medicaid Coalition
Moishe House Chicago - Edgewater
Molly Olly's Wishes
Mommys helping Mommys
Moms Against Animal Cruelty
Montréal à Vélo
Mothers Rights Arizona
Movember Hrvatska
Movimento Brasil Contra Corrupção
Movimiento Nacional de Adolescentes y Jóvenes - Nicaragua
Movimiento Villas Al Frente
Mr. Trabaho
Mrs. Idaho United States
Msu Amnesty
Musicians for a Cure
Muslim Vote
Muslims Questioning Extremism
MV Canadian Miner
My Bald is Beautiful
My Brother's Keeper
My Inch of The Earth
MY Spirit
Mην παιζεις με τα νευρα μου Γιατι θα γινει της πουτ@ν@ς εδω μεσα.
Nacktbild? Klicke auf den Link
Nah Yuh Too Dutty
Nalaiq Student 2.0
Nao Acapulco 2016
Nation-wide Rally to End the Federal Reserve
National Autistic Society Rotherham Branch
National Oral Healthcare Sushruta Award
National Pink Tie Organization
Nature Worship
Need 99,99,999 Likes To Say That Kashmir Wants Freedom From India
Neighborhood Sun
Neighbors for Nations
Nej tak til betalingsring
Nejhezčí jsou Češky
NESSR Fundraising Page
Nestle Purina: Recall Chicken Jerky Treats Made in China
Network for Asian American Theatre Professionals - L.A. / So Cal
NEUE _/\_ Comienza nuestra Leyenda | Our Legend begins
NEVER Leave Mom Behind
New Hampshire Vapers Association
New Jersey Safe & Sound
Newfie Fun Days
NFL Alumni Cheerleaders, Jacksonville Chapter
NHHS Fashion
nicht vergeben, aber reserviert (;
Nics Road to Recovery
NIHRF Northern Ireland Human Rights Festival
Nimba Youth Caucus
NO a la pavimentacion del Chaquiñan de Cumbaya
No al abuso del alcohol, di sí a la vida sana.
No al Amarillismo
No ala ley OPEN
No juntarse con la chusma
No money, free honey
No nuclear waste dump at Muckaty
No siempre es bueno ser sincero
Noirs & Metis de France
Nova Scotia Crime Stoppers
November Aid Project
Núcleo Sportinguista de V . N. Santo André
Nueva Ciudadanía
NWBA Division I
Nye muligheter
Nyt helvetti lopettakaa ne EU-mainokset
Occupy Harrisburg PA
Occupy Illinois
Occupy JP Morgan Chase
Occupy Kamloops
Occupy Karlsruhe
Occupy South Dakota
OCD Collective
oh.. im sorry :) i forgot that i only exist when ur either bored or need to me do something :)
Ohio Agenda 21 Watch
OLV Amazonas
OLV Apure
OLV Barinas
OLV Cojedes
OLV Delta Amacuro
OLV Falcón
OLV Guárico
OLV Portuguesa
OLV Sucre
OLV Vargas
OLV Zulia
OLVI Sings For The Climate
OMR Meditates Chennai
On Our Way Home
One Divine Creator
One Piece
Online Charity 4 Rescued Animals - بازارچه خیریه اینترنتی حیوانات بی سرپرست
Ontario Wind Resistance
Operação Liberdade Brasil
Operación Libertad Ecuador
Operation Christmas Pet
Optimistic Sound
Original Replica Seller
Orizonia Talentos
Ośka Rataje
Out of Control Port Aransas Police
Overseas Pakistanis : Right to VOTE
Pacific Islanders for Equality
Pacts with Deities
Padovani, non veneziani
Page Promo
Palco2 Sistema Sonoro
Pano tatagal ang relasyon kung puro Salita lang ang Pundasyon
Parachute Regiment flags all over Ulster
Parc d'attractions Fansite
Parental Alienation
Passeggiando su un filo di nylon
Paticka asbl
Patrick: The Las Vegas, Nevada Movement
Patriots Defence League - Cairns Chapter
Paws for Cash
Peers - News on the Hereditary Peerage
Pei Land Rescue
Peko Peko Cookbook
PEN Delhi
Penamacor "Terra do Fogo" - Madeiro
Penang Bersih [OFFICIAL]
Pénz nélkül élni
PeopAll - Cassero
Perritos del Liceo 1 en Toma
Pet shops χωρίς ζώα
Peticija za ukidanje i zabranu delovanja SOKOJ-a na područiju Republike Srbije.
Philippine Toy Library - Zamboanga
Philly Zombie
Pianos On Parade
Pink Dress Run
Pink Fortitude, LLC
Pink Glove Dance Competition Entry: Kaiser Permanente
Pink Podium
Pink Pumbaa Ltd
Pink trees for Pauline - Middelburg
Pit bull's
Planet X by Zrinka K. official
Plataforma Ciudadana
Please help to find Marcelle Smith - Barbados
Plovdiv Central Square
Pnp Claro Estadidad
Point conference
Politechnika Dzieciom
PolskaFederacja HDK
Pomagamy sobie w konkursach
Pomoc dla Mariki
Pop Beats Bullying
Population Change Campaign
Por la libertad de los nuestros
Pora Wyboru
Positive Attitude Is Everything
Power of Ten Rand
Practical Moms of Many
Praia sem esgoto - Al
Pray for Kirk Kahler
Prayers for Makenzie Marie
Prepa 2 E Iniciación Universitaria
Preppers and Patriots of Indiana
Pride Canterbury
PRiDE FaMily
Primavera Zero
Pro Basescu
Pro Tatuaje & Mods MX
Profondos Enrique Yael Archilla
Programa SUE
Project Ducky
Project Katutubong Pilipino
Project Nowtbuks
Project Purple
Project VWV
Project: Exit Cairo
Projektae - Agence d'innovation sociale
Projet Rescousse
Projeto Crê Ações Cultura Popular
Protección Animal Navarra
Protégeons La Liberté D'expression
Proud to be Republican
Proyecto Kino
Proyecto Rarámuri 2014 Alimento Y Salud
Proyecto Salvemos Tamaulipas
Psychologists for Marriage Equality
PTI South East Dream Team
PTI Voters
Pulat e
Pune Rain Water Harvesting
Punjabi Unicode Help and More (ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਯੂਨੀਕੋਡ ਮਦਦ ਅਤੇ ਹੋਰ)
PUP Community for Higher Budget on Education.
PUP Journalism Festival
Pure Pwnage: Teh Movie
Push PR by Prime Comm
Put struggling artist's songs on the WINZ hold music.
Quadrado produções
Quale futuro per il sistema regionale di protezione civile
Que den TNA en Chile!!!
Quebec anonymes
Quebec-Revolution Democratique
Queen's University Awareness of Sexual Assault Prevention Committee
Quicken Trust
R.I.P Jerome "Lil Boo" Anderson
R.I.P Seth Walsh
R.I.P. Eira Maghuyop [STOP Cyberbullying]
Rainbow Belize project
Rallye Technik
Ranelagh/Rathmines Says NO To Water Meters
RAZOR Alliance
Re'Al Madrid
Re-Visioning Justice in America
REACH One Alliance
Reaching out to Philippines Haiyan Survivors
Reason to Live Concerts (RTL)
Reclassify Marijuana
Red het pootje van Ella mee
Red Periodística Alternativa ACC.
Redd Barna-dagen Trondheim
Redemption Market
Reduce Kettering's Parking Charges
Reforma Educacional
Refuse To Use
Réhabiliter les Héros Kmer
Reinstate Lionman Craig Busch
Relay For Life of Queen Creek & San Tan Valley
Relay For Life of St Clair County
Relay for Life of the Beaches
Relay For Life of UWF
Relay for Life Rossendale
Release The Drew Carey Show DVD Boxset
Remember America's Forgotten Vets
Remember James Foley
Remember Our Troops
Remove Ahlam Tamimi from the list of terrorists to be freed
Remove David Gill from the FA Board.
Remove Roleplayer Reporting Alliance
Rénocyclage Montréal
Report an impersonator Syrian nationality
Republic Rails
Repudio a Guillermo Moreno
Rescue Nav
Research Project Korea + SWAT
Researchers Against Pacific Black Sites
Resistencia Hondureña
Rete contro la guerra e il militarismo - Campania
RH and Sexuality Education
Ride of Silence Clermont, FL
Right to Sight
Rights & Support
Rise Against Coररuption
Rise Magazine
Rj sam
Rochester Regional Coalition Against Human Trafficking
Rock In Rio Peru
Rodekruis Internationaal
Rolando Uc Barbosa
Ronnie Tober Foundation
Roulez avec Moi contre le Cancer du Sein
Royal British Legion Waterside Branch
Royalty Works - Total Liberation
Rrugët E Jetës
Runners for the Freedom of Palestine
Sac Food Trucks
Sacrificar mechones para que los dioses se calmen
Safety Harbor Downtown Business Alliance, Inc
Salem Parents for Public Schools
Salina Breast Cancer Awareness Month
salva LA scena
Salviamo l'Abbazia della Ferrara
Sana A. Rehman
Sanando el Alma en Amor y Conciencia
Sanatan Bharat सनातन भारत
Sankt Stanislaus Orden - Order of Saint Stanislas
Santa Paws NOLA
Sarah Inion
Save BBC 4!
Save Bharathapuzha (Nila)
Save Campustown
Save Glenmore Park - Say NO to a 37th Street Ring Road Connection
Save Le Corbusier's Chandigarh
Save Our Mochis
Save our Surgeries
Save St. Louis County Parks
SAVE Stop Abuse and Violence Everywhere - Mississippi
Save Tangier Island
Save The Day PNG's
SAVE the Ducal Palace of Mantua
Save the US Ranger
Save Whin Park
Save Wolves Now - Pacific Rim
Sawe3ed tounes-سواعد تونس
Say No to further pension changes
Sayaahat Whisperer
Schengen BG
Schloss Blankenburg
Schuylkill County Patriots
Scottish Climate, Energy & Environment
Scrappers Boxing Gym and Community Fitness Centre
Screw the roleplay police, we're here to stay.
Scribble Foundation
Scrubs am Morgen vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen!:D
SCV Charity Chili Cook-Off
Se la spegni ti accendi
Sean D. Biggs Memorial Foundation
Seasource Group
See Spot Run 5k & 1 K-9
Semaine du Saint-Laurent
Semana de la Solidaridad Internacional Ecuador
Semimaraton Mures
Sensible School Lunches
SG Parents At Home
Shatter The Stigma Mend The Mind
Sheryl Lynn Foundation - SLF
Shining United Kingdom Legion
Shop For Social
Show Biz
Show You Care
Show Your Sport
Si je pouvais rien qu'en claquant des doigts être à côté de toi...
si tus viejoss alguna vez te dijeron:cuando tengas un hijo me vas a entender..unitee
Sign the AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Pet Promise!
Silverwalk Fosters
Sindh Institute of Urology & Transplantation (SIUT)
Singapore Food Revolution
Sivil itaatsizlik / Bêiteati
Slpfo Fresnes
SlutWalk Amsterdam
SlutWalk Singapore
Smile Train Triathlon
Smiles Australia
Sms Gratis
Soccorso Tricolore
Social Futurism & the Zero State
Social Gem
Social service
Social Welfare Society - SWS
SocialMedia for SocialChange
Sogamoso Activa
SOGIE Equality Bill
Soil Generation
Sometimes Angels Are Bald
Soria Autónoma
South East Asian Revolt: A Revolution against the Imperialist China
Speak Now Be Heard
Speelgoedbank Haarlem en Omstreken
Speelgoedbank Wageningen
Spiritual Ascension
Splash Mob 5K
Společně proti leukémii
Sports and Social Change
Spotted : Université Lumière Lyon II
Spotted : Université Michel de Montaigne Bordeaux III
Srbijo Naša
Srikamakshi Krupa
St Paul in Malta
Stadt am Meer
Stand with Rand Against the TSA
Stars & Stripes Project Runway
Start with JUAN thing
Startup Talks México
Stella's Army Bracelets
STEP Coalition
Stichting Beetje Beter
Stichting dierennoodhulp Flevoland
Stichting Hulphond L I V E
Stichting Never Forget Them
Stichting Wensdroom Moerdijk
Stop Addiction
Stop Ingerii Galbeni
STOP Izgradnji Regionalne Deponije
Stop RattleSnake RoundUps
STOP Risky Sex
Stop Target Killing of Innocent Muslim In Pakistan
Stop That Train - Fermiamo la Pizzarotti
Story County Responders Care
Struggling Stepparents
Student Congress of HISD
Students Helping Honduras at UVA
Studniówka nieruchana, matura niezdana.
Súbete a la ciudad
Suceava PE BUNE
Suche - Wer sucht der findet
Sud Indipendente
Suntok Ginto
Super Show 4 in Mexico
Support Ladakh
Sustainable Clintonville
SYC: EVS Sending
Sydney Feminists
Syndicat National des Journalistes (SNJ)
TAK dla Orła Białego na koszulkach reprezentacji
Take 3 Movie Initiative
Tarang - A Wave Of Change
Tarde de Portales y Feria Navideña
TDF Parindey
Teacher: Fold your paper in half. Students: Hamburger or hot dog?
Team Australia Supporters Club
Team Born to Run
Team Logan
Team SOP
Teenage Cancer Trust South West and South Wales
Tesla at Niagara Museum
Tessen Enterprise
Texans For Rand Paul 2016/2020
Texas CPS Corruption
Texas Spirit
Texting someone that you're "here" when you're only half way to their house so they'll be ready by the time you REALLY get there.
Thakurmunda Youth Federation
Thank You for "No Smoking" / Մերսիրելիվայրերը
That feeling in your stomach when you know its all gonna come crumbling down..
The A 21 Campaign
The Adam Lewis Effect - #TALE
The Angler's Obsession
The Anti-Weeaboo Movement
The Antitheist
The Benefits of Fashion
The Best 2 Days Of Shool , The First Day &nd The Last Day ;)
The Boysen KNOxOUT Project: EDSA
The Bronx Remembers 9/11
The Bully Video Project
The Caroline Fund
The Comedy Cereal
The Darius King Heart Foundation
The Dim Sim Salute
The Donny George Candlelight Vigil for Global Heritage
The Helpers
The HomeTown Heroes Experience
The Hope Emporium
The Human Experience
The Industrial Atheist
The International Palestine Network - Turkey
The Jack The Bear Foundation
The Life of Julia
The LIFE Project
The Maiden Factor
The Music Photographers
The Networker - המדריך לניהול קריירה ויזמות
The Newburgh Renaissance
The Patients' Behbud Society for Aga Khan University Hospital
The Steampunk Ghostbusters' Charity Ball
The Sunshine Girls
The Sustainable Communities Plan
The Virtual Goods Exchange
The voice gh
The WAY to a Healthier America
The Well Armed Woman - NE Atlanta, GA Shooting Chapter
Theaterverein S'lustige Brettl Ruhmannsfelden
There's gonna be one less lonely goat
Third Palestinian Intifada - الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الثالثة
This Girl Loves Hunting
Thomas Jefferson Center for Constitutional Restoration
Tijdelijke Kunst Winkel
Tim Roberto Addiction Counselor/ Life Coach
Timothy John Byford - pravo na nacionalnu penziju
Tomodachi Calling
Tour Cycliste Lac Aylmer
Tour de Achterdeur 1
Trance Aid - AWOT meets The ONE Campaign
Transportation not Deportation
Trauertreff Sonnenblume
Träume nicht dein Leben...sondern leb deinen Traum!
Trust in Japan
TTY - The Turanist Youth
Tuberous Sclerosis (Louisiana)
Tuition Equality at the University of Michigan
Tulane Students for Justice in Palestine
Tunaide, France
Tươi Sáng Cùng E5
Turbojugend New York City
Turbojugend Salzburg
Turbojugend SAtaniKA
Turn Out for Women
Turnhout Is Niet Dood
Two Hangry Chicks
Tyc-Pu Book reading Club
Uber of Weed
Ubuntu Malaysia
UCT Global Citizenship: Leading for Social Justice
Udomi ljubimca
UGET Mahdia
UGET Fseg Nabeul
Uhcc Staff
Ukinimo aboliciju, vrijeme je za lustraciju
Un Dibujo para JUAN
UNESCO World Heritage Committee: Save World Heritage on the Tigris River in Mesopotamia
Unhappy Banking
União Antifascista
Unión Civil Si
United Metal Fest
United Student Movement Projects Team
United Voice ACT Branch
Universitarios del Perú contra Keiko Fujimori
University of Illinois American Cancer Society & Relay For Life
University of Sydney Women's Collective
University of Toledo Students for Justice in Palestine (UT-SJP)
Unlisted: A Story of Schizophrenia
Unplugged Debate (Renovate Animos)
Unvisifàfare il nuovo aeroporto- Comitato in difesa del Parco della Piana
Uplift Project - Singapore
Uttarakhand Fashion Festival
UV Giving Emergency Aid & Resources/Silent Warriors
UW-Stout Colleges Against Cancer and Relay for Life
V troje
Variables : Event Coordination- Trainings -Marketing
Varning På Stan
Vegan Event Health, Healing & Happiness in Las Vegas
Vegan/Vegetarian Basingstoke in Hampshire
Vegetarianos y Véganos
Viajes Culturales
Vida para Puerto Rico
Vipera de stepă Moldavă
Vision 2020 Philippines
Vive la paix
Voluntariado Baja California y San Luis Río Colorado, Son.
Voluntarios Azuay
Volunteer Correct
Vote for Democrats Up and Down the Ballot
Vote No. 23, ASEAN Partylist 2019 - "Mission Not Ambition"
Výbor na obranu Činoheráku
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes - Central Kansas
Walk and Ride PA
Walk The Path
War Commander Legends
Warum ist auf meiner Seite immer Stau????
Warwick Atheists, Secularists and Humanists
Water Youth Movement for the 6th World Water Forum
Waterford Will Always Be a City
Watts On Campaign (Saving Electricity)
We Are behind You Eliota Fuimaono Sapolu All The Way
We Are the Fifty Percent
We support the Illuminati and New World Order
We want a Peruvian Flag in Farmville
We Want Colmon
We Want Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri To Be The Next President of Pakistan
We want Pakistani Flag in FarmVille Game
We want the F.C. PORTO flag in Farm Ville just reached 1500 members
WE Woman Endangered
We're keeping Dave Hignett in Northumberland Creative & Performing Arts.
Webshop Kathy's Cathouse
Weggeefwinkel Utrecht
Welcome to the rice fields motherfucker
well aren't you a little bit gorgeous? ;)
Wenn ich dich vergessen will, fällt mir immer wieder ein wie viel ich geben würde um dich zu bekommen.
Wenn ich in die Hölle komm , packt der Teufel seine Koffer
Wenn ihr meine Gedanken lesen könntet, würdet ihr schreiend weglaufen!
West Central Minnesota NORML
West Coast Red Power Revolution
What's the point
When i was little i used to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up in bed, now i pass out on the sofa and wake up on the floor.
When i was little i used to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up in bed, now i pass out on the sofa and wake up on the floor.
When i was little i used to fall asleep on the sofa and wake up in bed, now i pass out on the sofa and wake up on the floor.
when we were little.. war was only a card game, the only drug we knew was cough medicine, wearing a skirt didnt make you a slut, the only things that hurt were skinned knees, and goodbyes only meant til tomorrow... and to think we couldnt wait to grow ...
When your ex says "you will never find anyone like me" and you reply "God I sure hope not..."
Who Killed Dele Giwa?
Why Jesus is important for both Climate Change and Peace
Why not me?
Why Organised Religion Sucks
Wie lange dauert ein Fußballspiel zwischen Kolumbien und Jamaica? Keine Minute, da die Kolumbianer die Linien schnupfen und die Jamaicaner das Gras rauchen.
Wiener Drum & Bass Ball
Wikimedia Iberocoop
Wild Cat Sanctuary
wild ones & troneos
Wildfire: The Open Mic
Win a Sony PSP (Join for free!)
Winning & Grinning
Wire Me Awake
Wits PSC
WMC Speech Project
Wolf photography of Nis
Women Sp3akers
Women's Studies Department, SDSU
Wood Craft Lab.
Work United
World AIDS Institute
World Give Day
World Health Organisation
World Humanist Day
Ye india he boss nothing is impossible
Yinka Oyekan's Ministry Page
York City Knights Foundation
You Are Something More
You're Awesome And I think You're Beautiful
You're Mine أنت لي
Your No Counts
Youth for Equality - Mumbai
Zaytoon city
Zé Cláudio & Maria
Żoliborz nie potrzebuje reklamy
Zona Liberada
__^^ You Can Remember Me^^__
·٠•el Aborto No Es Una Opcion Es Matar a Un Hijo•٠·
Ακρόπολη Σέρρες
ΑΡΗΣ θρησκεια Super3
Διεκδικούμε τον Δημόσιο χώρο στην Παλιά Λευκωσία
Εκλογές Ιουνίου & περιβάλλον
Μέρες Παράξενες
Πλατφόρμα Συγκροτησης Δημοκρατίας
ΡΟΔΟΣ Κυνοκομειο /rhodes Kennel HOUSE page
Στεγη Ζώων
Σύλλογος Πολυτέκνων Χαλκίδας και Περιχώρων
Ψήφισμα διαμαρτυρίας για την κατάργηση του μαθήματος του Θεάτρου στην Π.Ε. και Δ.Ε
Антикорупційна рада при Київському міському голові
Аранђеловац ИНФО
Атака Варна-Одесос
Белоградчик Днес
Бъдеще за Своге
България Каза Не На Шистовия Газ
Български Лидерски Форум
Ваш личный календарь тренингов.
Вместе всё по силам
Ганц л амьдарна
Да Изгоним Сектата "йехова" От България/STOP Jehovah's Witnesses
Да си върнемъ стария правописъ
Дясна Перспектива За България
За София
Зробимо разом
Исторически кабинет "проф. В. Златарски"
История под защитой
Клуб предпринимателей "Деловар"
Лучший из миров
Магазин чердачных распродаж ChudoDikovina
Национална програма BG Земѣ
Нито крачка назад
Општествена одговорност на претпријатија
Планинска Спасителна Служба - Отряд София
Помощь психологам и волонтерам в работе с пострадавшими от военных действий
Приятели на Докторската градина
Простотията българска
Протести против поскапувањата
Профспілка Трудова Солідарність / Тарифний Майдан
Светски ден на срцето - 29.09.2013
Съюз на учениците в България
Теренова гра "Гурби-Антонівці"
Фізкультурно-спортивний масовий захід "Руханка"
Цяла България на война срещу корумпирани политици , съдии и магистрати
Միջին մասնագիտական ուսումնական հաստատությունների ՈԻՍ կառույցների խորհուրդ
Պահանջատեր հասարակություն հանուն պատասխանատու կառավարման
הרכבת הקלה? איזו תקלה
טבעונילי - טבעונות בכיף
לעולם אדם - ברית למימוש שוויון ערך האדם וביעור הגזענות בישראל
מימונה - כמו שחגגו במרוקו יהודים וערבים ביחד
עצומה - לבטל את האישום נגד החיילים שהשתמשו ב"נוהל שכן"
أسرة فكرة - دار العلوم
ألا بذكر الله تطمئن القلوب
اتحاد القراصنة الآشورية
احنا مبنتهددش يا مجلس يا عسكري
اخوان خائنين
الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الثالثة
الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الثالثة
الانتفاضة الفلسطينية الثالثة - Third Palestinian Intifada
الجبهة العلمانية الأردنية
الجنوب العربي ستة محافظات تحت الاحتلال اليمني البغيض
الحراك الشبابي و الشعبي في محافظة الكرك
الحرية للصحفى أنس فودة
الحملة الشعبية من مواطنين السعودين لطلب العفو من خادم الحرمين #لجيزاوي
الخبز غالي يا زوالي
الخلافة تاج الفروض 2
الدعوة لمحاكمة بشار الاسد كمجرم حرب
الصفحة الرسمية للجنة العليا لإضراب صيادلة مصر
العرب اليوم
الـكـفــاح الــمـسـلـح
الكرامة نحنا هلها
المخابرات المغربية الإلكترونية +18
الهيئة الثورية العليا لثورة الحادي عشر من فبراير
انا مسلم يا ساويرس
بطالة الماجستير في ليبيا
بيان المصريون فى الإمارات للمطالبة بحق التصويت
تزارت إدآوْنيظيف
تكتل عمال مصر
تنبيرة مليونية على 7 نوفمبر
تنسيقية النضال العمالي
ثورة الالحاد الكبرى
ثورة ونص
جهاز مباحث امن الدعوة
حراك حق العودة
حركة تمرد - التنسيقية الجهوية بسوسة
حقائق خفية عن الماسونية العالمية
حقیقت پسند Realistic
حلمنا خلافة اسلامية من اندونيسيا لاسبانيا
حملة الآيرس The Iris Campaign
حملة مقاطعة الإعلام المخزني في المغرب
حملة مكافحة التسحيج والتشبيح والتطبيل والتزمير
حملة مليونية للدفاع عن سيدنا( محمد) عليه افضل الصلاة والسلام
دفاعاً عن كرم صابر وحرية الأبداع
رحمة للعالمين
ساتيك بۆ پيكه نين
سنزحف إلى تل أبيب We'll get to Tel Aviv
شـباب ضـد الـتـدخل الأجـنـبـي فـي سـوريـا و الـوطـن الـعـربـي
شلون كراوي تعبانه
شهداء شط الهنشير زنقة الحصحص
صفحة الشهيد فضل دماج
عشاق مكتوب
عشانك يا مصر
فيديو مؤسسة شباب البيرة
قرية التجاريين - الساحل الشمالى الكيلو63
كلنا رمزي صلاح. اول حادث تعذيب بعد الثورة
لَجنَة فِدَاء الطِفلِ الفِلَسطِينِي
محاكمة "أحمـد عـز" بالعدل _ لا بالإنتقام والتشفى
مشروع طفل
مصنع الرسوم المتحركة
معا لإنقاذ مدينة صفاقس من خطر المجمع الكيميائي التونسي
معانا ضد التحرش الجنسي
معاً لإلغاء جمارك السيارات فى مصر
معاً لنصرة الإنتفاضة الفلسطينية الثالثة
ملف الفساد فى مكتبة الإسكندرية بالصور والأدلة
مليون توقيع لإدانه المجازر فى ليبيا A million supporters to condemn the massacres in Libya
من أجل إنشاء منظمة للعقلانيين الأخلاقيين الملحدين العرب
منتجع ادب وثقافة الطفل
ناس بتفكر
نريد نشيدآ وطنيآ للأردن
هو فعلا ممكن نجمع 1000,000بيحبو مصر ولا صعب
يوميات جزائري
په يچي فه يسبوك بو هه لبژاردني باشترين په يچ
मधेशी हौँ या पहाडी, हामी सबै 'नेपाली'
ਕਿਓਂਕਿ ਮੇਰੀ ਭਰੂਣ ਹੱਤਿਆ ਨਹੀਂ ਹੋਈ-Because I was born
ஆதிபராசக்தி ஆன்மிக மக்கள் தொண்டு இயக்கம்
กระหน่ำยิง ด้วย M 16
จะสั้นหรือยาว ตูก็ไม่อ่าน
შინა ბოდბის სახლი • Shina Bodbe House
• ﺣﺮﻛﺔ ﺗﺎﻭﺍﺩﺍ ﻧﻴﻤﺎﺯﻳﻐﻦ • ﺍﻟﺘﻴﺎﺭ ﺍﻟﺘﺼﺤﻴﺤﻲ
一生懸命To The Bitter End
社企市集 義賣助街友
고대 의대 성폭력 사건 인권위 제소
나무엔의 착한음악연구소
성소수자 인권포럼
언론노조 출판노조협의회
영화관 옆 미술관