Page Directory: i text you, bc i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me. - I Thank God - a Song by a 7 Year Old That Will Touch Anyone's Heart...Amazing
i text you, bc i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me.
i text you, bc i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me.
i text you, bc i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me.
i text you, bc i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me.
i text you, bc i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me.
I text you, becoz i miss you. when i don't, i'm waiting for you to miss me.
I text you, I get no reply. Then you update your status, via mobile.
I text you, you take 30 mins to reply, I am with you, your hands r glued to your phone
I text you, you take 30 mins to reply, I'm with you, your hands r glued to your phone
I text you, you take 30 mins to reply, I'm with you, your hands r glued to your phone
I text you, you take 30 mins to reply, I'm with you, your hands r glued to your phone
I texted the wrong person by accident, now it's really awkward.
I Texted You Because I Was Bored, Not Because I Like You
i texted you first last time, so now it's your turn.
I texted you, I expect a text back.
I th0ugHt i kNeW u...i wAs wr0nG......:-(
i Thai
I Thank Allah
I Thank ALLAH For Everything He Has Given Me
I Thank God - a Song by a 7 Year Old That Will Touch Anyone's Heart...Amazing