Page Directory: I Was Going To Ask You Something A Second Ago, But I Completely Forgot. - I Was Gonna Do Something, But Then I Forgot.
I Was Going To Ask You Something A Second Ago, But I Completely Forgot.
I was going to be nice to you.. but I'm a complete cunt so go fuck yourself!!!
I was going to chill, but Supermann called and asked for my help... again.
I was going to do my homework.. but then you started chatting with me.
I was going to go to bed, But then I started listening to music
I was going to go to boys high. Then i realised i liked winning rugby
I was going to like your status but then someone I don't like did.
I was going to make a gay joke, butt fuck it.
I was going to say something.... but i forgot..
I was going to send you over a cookie until i ate it. Sorry
I was going to tell a chemistry joke but was afraid there'd be no reaction.
I was going to tell a funny Nun joke, but there's nun left.
I was going to tell an old car joke, but I was afraid it would backfire.
I was going to tell you something but i just forgot it
I was going to wear a skirt today, but i forgot to shave.
I was going to, but then i thought.. nah
I Was Going To, But Then You Demanded Me To, So Now I Don't Want To
I was going to, but then you demanded me to. So now I think I wont :)
I was going to....But then i thought, i could be playing COD
I Was Gonna Do Something, But Then I Forgot.