Page Directory: If You Care About Someone, TELL THEM WHILE YOU STILL CAN<3 - If you click become a fan, the word "gullible" will flash on your screen!
If You Care About Someone, TELL THEM WHILE YOU STILL CAN<3
If You Care for Cries
If you care for water, like this page.
If you care for your mom. Click This
If You Care Prove It
If you care to offer the smallest token of recognition to the Armed Forces!
if you cared, you'd make the effort..
If you carnt be bothered to talk to someone you just put brb and dont talk to them and then never come back :)
If you celebrate Holi make a stand ! Stay home from school on Phagwah !!
If you change nothing, nothing changes.
If you click 'become a fan' Mr. Bean will show up on your screen.
If you click 'Like' you'll die instantly. So? Who's brave enough? ;)
If you click become a fan, a fish will appear on the screen.
If you click become a fan, a fish will appear on the screen.
If you click BECOME A FAN, a moose will appear in the top-left corner.
If you click become a fan, a Seahorse will appear on the screen.
If you click become a fan, a turtle will appear on the screen.
If You Click Become A Fan, A Wild Pokemon Will Appear
If you click become a fan, NOTHING will happen
If you click become a fan, the word "gullible" will flash on your screen!