Page Directory: If you're feeling down, here's a picture of an overweight Giraffe - If you're going to bail on me, at least tell me so I don't waste my time waiting.
If you're feeling down, here's a picture of an overweight Giraffe
If you're feeling down, here's a picture of Sheldon smiling
If you're feeling down, heres a picture of a shaved llama
If You're Feeling Sinister
If You're Flappy And You Know It
If you're from Africa why are you white?
If you're from Africa, why are you white?
If you're from Africa, why are you white?
If you're from Derby, you ain't a legend. You are a SheepShagging bellend
If you're from LA SALLE,PAREF W.R/S.R,POVEDA,MIRIAM,A.C join this group now
If you're from New York you know what Loganberry is
If you're from Royersford, Limerick, or Collegeville.
If you're from XS or ICA. Become a Fan. :>
If You're Gay (or Support) & You Know it Clap Your Hands
If you're going my way, I'll walk with you.
If you're going through hell keep going."".
If you're going through hell, keep going.
If you're going through hell, keep going.
If you're going to act like the world's biggest dick, you better have it.
If you're going to bail on me, at least tell me so I don't waste my time waiting.