Page Directory: I know I have unlimited texts, but I don't want them waisted on only one word replys. :) - I know I shouldn't like you, but I do 3
I know I have unlimited texts, but I don't want them waisted on only one word replys. :)
I know I hurt you sometimes, but I love you... if that counts for anything.
I know I hurt you, but it doesn't mean I didn't love you
I know i just met you but whats your name again.
I know I just saw you five minutes ago... but when can we hang out again!?
I know I know & ខ្ញុំដឹង ខ្ញុំដឹង
I know I know I am The BEST
I Know I Know I Know
I know i love u,but don't know how to express with u.
I know I need to go now but I have separation anxiety when it comes to you!
i know i say i hate you, but really you mean the world to me<3
I know I say I love u a lot but when I do I mean it <3
I know i screwed it up,but i will love you forever
I know I set the alarm, but I'm mad it woke me up.
I know I should be studying, but I really don't want to...
I Know I Should......., But I Don't.....
i know i shouldent...............but i really miss you and i h8 that ? ! :(
I Know I shouldn't But. Dot Dot Dot Dot
I know I shouldn't have, but I did it anyway
I know I shouldn't like you, but I do 3