Page Directory: " Yo tambien me cague de risa con mr. bean " - " Your whipped", "NO IM NOT!" "WHICHUUUUUU !"
" Yo tambien me cague de risa con mr. bean "
" yo tambien me e quedad@ pegad@ con una cansion todo el dia "
" yo tambien odiaba a las viejas que se metian a la piñata"
" Yo tambien uso el celular como despertador ..."
" YoO DaWg WaAtZ GoOdiI33? " Dude, Shut Up You're White .
" You Are the Apple of My Eye " 那些年,我們一起追的女孩-"马来西亚“
" You are the star" karaoke and dj
" You belong to me " *_*
" YOu c@n run. YOu C@n HID€. But You C@n't €SC@pe MY LOV€ "
" You came and Saved me,Saved me from Myself "
" you didn't talk to me before so why you talking to me now?"
" You Have Watched 72 minutes of video today " CONNARD :@ !
" You lied to me!" " No i didnt, i told a porky"
" You wish you were as ninja as me."
" You're One Load Your Mother Should of Swallowed"
" You've got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know? Just there"
" your hot" " yeah, im captain of the chess team"
" Your Love , Love , Love, is my drug... wait you take drugs?!?
" Your whipped", "NO IM NOT!" "WHICHUUUUUU !"