Page Directory: 'hey dappy you going bed?' 'yeah, na-na-niiight' - 'Hey, can you do me a favor?' 'What?' 'Can you go get me...' 'No.'
'hey dappy you going bed?' 'yeah, na-na-niiight'
'Hey Earl.' 'Hey Crabman.'
'Hey Football Head' 'Who me?' 'No Stewie, I'm talking to Arnold'
'Hey Gandalf can I just squeez past'..'yeah sure'. LOL jk 'YOU SHALL NOT PASS'
'hey Hitler, I think you lost something!' -'what?'- 'world war 2, bhahaaa!'
'hey Hitler, I think you lost something!' -'what?'- 'world war 2, bhahaaa!'
'hey Hitler, I think you lost something!' -'what?'- 'world war 2, bhahaaa!'
'Hey Hitler, I think you lost something!' -'What?'- 'World War 2, bhahaaa!'
'hey Hitler, I think you lost something!' -'what?'- 'world war 2, bhahaaa!'
'Hey i saw your ex today' I DON'T GIVE A SH*T !!!
'Hey mum'....'what?'....'i love you:)'......'what do you want?'
'Hey mum'....'what?'....'i love you:)'......'what do you want?'
'Hey mum'....'what?'....'i love you:)'......'what do you want?'
'Hey mum'....'what?'....'i love you:)'......'what do you want?' everythin (:
'hey umm, isn't this kinda dangerous'....."JUST SHUT UP and hold my BEER"
'hey whats up, hey whats up' alright hollister you've killed it now.
'HEY! hey hey? HEY!' 'did you say sometihng?' 'no i was just yelling at you
'HEY!' 'Hi." 'How are you?' 'good u' 'good.' ....silence.
'hey' *no answer* 'hey' *no answer* 'hey' 'STFU IM PLAYING COD.'
'Hey, can you do me a favor?' 'What?' 'Can you go get me...' 'No.'