Page Directory: ''Dude she just called you lazy!'' ''Go tell her I'm not'' ... - ''e we andas pedo??... no we ando vien ando bien t ago un cuatro?? xDD''
''Dude she just called you lazy!'' ''Go tell her I'm not'' ...
''Dude, he called you a......'' ''OH HELL NO - hold my ..................'' OMG SHUT UP.
''dude, he called you justin bieber''...''OH HELL NO, hold my lipsgloss!''
''Dude, he just called you a facebook addict'' ''OH HELL NO, hold my laptop, but let me like this first...'
''dude, he just called you drunk?''.. ''i don't care if you wanna sleep on top bunk.. i like waffles anyways..'' ''noo, your ment to say, 'oh hell no hold my-' get it right.'
''dude, i love u, u know?" "I know that you're drunk''
''Dude, she called you tramp.'' ... ''OH HELL NO, ..hold my cardboard box.
''dude, she just called you a fjortis'' .. ''OH HELL NO, hold my mascara, mirror, hairbrush, lip gloss, battery-drink, bag and foundation! but I must check my hair first!''
''Dude, she just called you Boško Gojević!"- "Oh,hell no! Hold my...HEREDITAS LINGUAE LATINAE, AJMEEEE, TO JE MOJA DOBRA VOLJA, U SMISLUUUU''
''Dude, she just called you lazy!'' ''Go tell her I'm not''
''Dude, she just called you pasty.'' ''OH HELL NO!! Hold my SPF 100+.''
''Dude, she just called no what? Screw it. I cba to hold your stuff anymore.
''Dude, they just called you a year 7'' ''OH HELL NO HOLD MY MASSIVE RUCSACK''
''Dude, they just called you a year 7'' ''OH HELL NO HOLD MY MASSIVE RUCSACK'' --- No, a year 7 is too pussy to even say those words.
''Due amiche e un unico Sogno''
''DuKe MEnDuAr Per TY''
''Duygusala Bağlan''
''e moj krevetu , samo me ti razumijes''
''e sikur ta dije se sa shum te dua''
''e we andas pedo??... no we ando vien ando bien t ago un cuatro?? xDD''