Page Directory: 'you're tall,do you play basketaball?'...' -_- you're short, do you play minigolf ?' - 'Youssoupha Diaby
'you're tall,do you play basketaball?'...' -_- you're short, do you play minigolf ?'
'You've just changed the Future'. "It's called Marriage Honey"
'You've matured like a bad curry'
'You-nique' by Caoimhe
'Young Tiger' NTR Fans
'Your fly is open' 'Ahh the cage may be open, but the beast is asleep'
'your flys undone' 'why you looking, perv' :|
'your Gay' "your Face is gay" 'Your mums gay' " Your Turbans Gay!" 'OH! Too far Mate!'
'your Gay' ' Yeah , I know Ennit'
'Your Kinect' Experience
'Your Mum'
'your mum' is such a bad come-back! *YAWN*
'Your NFI :)' 'NFI?, Whats That?' 'Not Flippin Invited!' :P
'your pictuer looks nice', 'no it doesnt!' DELETE IT THEN!
'Your skuxx', 'NO your skuxx!' 'awww i know ay ;)'
'your so pretty' no im not 'yes you are' not 'are' not 'OK FINE YOUR NOT'
'Your turban looks nice today' 'Thanks, i straightened it'
'Your weird, i like you'
'Youre Gay' Is the Perfect Response To Anything.
'Youssoupha Diaby