Page Directory: *GLI AMANTI DEGLI ANIMALI* - *gondolkozz el kicsit. ^_^ nem tudom, mennyiötöknek fordult már meg a fejében, hogy milyen volt, a gyermekkor, nem is olyan rég. : ))_ mikor még 5éves voltam, az utca volt a második otth...
*Gli angeli vivono solo in cielo ma te resta qui con me*
*Gli esami si avvicinano e Noi cazzeggiamo autoconvincendoci di aver tempo*
*Gli Occhi Non Mentono Mai*
*Gli Uomini E Le Donne Più Belli Del Mondo*
*Glitter BUG*
*Global Vibez Network*
*Gloria Melu-Raphael Tudor & Cristina Ciobanasu-Vlad Gherman*
*GO BIG Orange*
*go into a restaurant* "would you like a table?" no, we'll just eat on the floor.."
*go into a restaurant* "would you like a table?" no, we'll just eat on the floor.."
*go into a restaurant* "would you like a table?" no, we'll just eat on the floor.."
*go into a restaurant* "would you like a table?" no, we'll just eat on the floor.." --'
*go on the computer* "im bored" *get off* "im bored" so i go back on
*Goes onto blocked list*. Hm, why is she blocked? *Unblocks her and goes onto chat*. Girl says: "HAAAAAAAAAAAAAY BABAEZZZZZ!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX" That's why she was blocked.
*goes under bridge* OMG WHAT IF IT FALLS AND WE ALL DIE!?!?! O.o
*Going Ballistic* Firearms Training - Personal & Home Protection Consulting
*GoLf 4*
*gondolkozz el kicsit. ^_^ nem tudom, mennyiötöknek fordult már meg a fejében, hogy milyen volt, a gyermekkor, nem is olyan rég. : ))_ mikor még 5éves voltam, az utca volt a második otth...