Page Directory: "Hey mom, there's no school tomorow", "how do you know?", "faceboook" - "hey sexy send me a naked picture", you "EFF OFF YOU PEDO"
"Hey mom, there's no school tomorow", "how do you know?", "faceboook"
"Hey mom/dad....I love you" "What do you want" "nothing.....and some money"
"Hey mom?" "what!?" "Nevermind you're not in a good mood
"Hey mommy? ..I love you" "Aha.. How much does it cost?" "Welllll..." :p
"Hey mon ami ! T'aime ça manger des patates ?"
"Hey mon ami, t'aimes ça éplucher les patates ?"
"Hey mon ami, t'aimes ça manger des patates ? :D "
"Hey mum can i have money for dinner tonight"....LOL J'K im buying alcohol
"Hey mum how was your day? LOL jk what's for tea?"
"Hey my name is"..."Dont worry we're in Adelaide i know who you are"
"Hey Napoleon what r u gonna do today? "whatever i feel like, gosh"
"HEY PAPA J'AI EU 17/20 !!" "POURQUOI TA PAS EU 20/20"
"Hey Patrick, i thought of something funnier than 24." "What is it?" "25!"
"hey Patrick, wanna hear something funnier than 24..." "yeah" "...25!"
"Hey r u listening?" "yah" "go do the dishes"... "sorry what?"
"Hey r u ok?" "ya im just tired" "oh ok" (*im secretly sad on the inside")
"Hey remember that time when..." *5 minutes later* "Oh what sorry i wasn't listening."
"Hey remember the guy that fell on Joan Cusack?"
"Hey Sanka, Ya dead????" "... Yaaa Muuunnn"
"hey sexy send me a naked picture", you "EFF OFF YOU PEDO"