Page Directory: "Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep. - "hey, can i ask you a question(:" *oh god here we go* "sure(:"
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"Hey".. "Hey" "You awake?".. No I taught myself to text in my sleep.
"hey".."hey"...."im Jewish" "ME TOOO!" instant connection
"Hey"... "hi"... "whats up?"..."nm u"...."Same".... Conversation dead.
"Hey"...3 hours later "hey!" no to late, i dont want to freakin talk to you
"Hey, a new text message! Oh, it's you." :-(
"hey, are you all right?" "Nah, i'm half left."
"hey, are you all right?" "Nah, i'm half left."
"Hey, are you home?" "No, I answered my home phone from somewhere else."
"Hey, AssButt!"
"Hey, BRB" *Why?* Imma eat, Imma eat Imma Imma Imma eat XD
"Hey, buat kalian yang ngaku Outsiders n lady rose janganlah ikut apalagi membuat group sampah semacam anti band laen coz itu bukanlah ciri Outsiders sejati ingatlah SID selalu menyuarakan hidup dalam perbedaan dengan cinta di dada...cheers"
"Hey, callaros estoy llamando a mi madre" Alguien de fondo: "pasa El Porro"
"hey, can i ask you a question(:" *oh god here we go* "sure(:"