Page Directory: "Dude, she just called you a gay!" - "Oh, hell no! Hold my Justin Bieber's CD" - "Dude, she just called you Croatian!"- "Oh,hell no! Hold my empty wallet!"
"Dude, she just called you a gay!" - "Oh, hell no! Hold my Justin Bieber's CD"
"Dude, she just called you a Harry Potter-nerd!" "OH HELL NO! Hold my wand!" "Why?" "Because I'm not aloud to use magic outside school.."
"Dude, she just called you a Jew!" "Oh hell no, hold my foreskin!"
"Dude, she just called you a loser." "OH HELL NO!! Hold my- wait! She knows my name?!?!?!?!?!
"Dude, she just called you a nerd..." "OH HELL NO! hold my calculator!"
"Dude, she just called you a ninja.....Dude? Where are you?"
"Dude, She just called you a pervert!" "OH HELL NO! Hold my...Lol...You tell me..What do You wanna hold?"
"Dude, she just called you a stalker" "i know".
"Dude, she just called you a theif!" "OH HELL NO! Here, let me hold your Ipod..." ----- (by ellie b 7V)
"Dude, she just called you a tree hugger" "OH HELL NO! HOLD MY TREE!"
"Dude, she just called you a... Forget it, I don't wanna hold your stuff.."
"Dude, she just called you alcoholic!"- "Oh,hell no! Hold my... haha just kidding, don't touch my VODKA''
"Dude, she just called you an Arab." "ALAAAAHHUU AKKBAAARR!! Hold my bomb !"
"Dude, she just called you annoying!" "Oh, hell no! I'm going to poke her the rest of her life!"
"Dude, she just called you annoying"... "Whaaat? Am I annoying? Did she say I am annoying? Did she? Did she? Answer meee! Answer me now! Did she call me annoying??? Why don't you answer me?! Oh my god, I am not annoying. You think I am annoying too? Did s
"Dude, she just called you Bedljunjščun!" "O jabi nje vrog moter, z manu sa nošlo zejebovoti, de mi ja sekiro?"
"Dude, she just called you Blonde..." " What? but thats not my name?..."
"DUDE, she just called you Catherine Tate" "Am i bothered"
"Dude, she just called you cheap." "OH HELL NO, hold my passion pop"
"Dude, she just called you Croatian!"- "Oh,hell no! Hold my empty wallet!"