Page Directory: "ILTOKONI-Antoniya Dimitrova" - "Im A TeEnAgEr"
"ILTOKONI-Antoniya Dimitrova"
"ily" and "love you" are completely different from saying "I love you"
"ILY" No, it's "I Love You"
"ily" vs. "i love you"... just type it out, it makes a difference to her.
"ily" vs. "i love you"... just type it out, it makes a difference to her.
"ily" vs. "i love you"... just type it out, it makes a difference to her.
"Im 1000% SURE HE DA DADDY"...Maury: "You Are....NOT the father!!!!"
"Im 1000% SURE HE DA DADDY".Maury: "You Are.NOT the father!!!!"
"Im 16 and my boyfriend is 40, is that bad?" You spelled dad wrong." ツ".
"IM A GANSTA!!!" umm no your not, your a douche bag who doesnt know what a belt is
"IM A GANSTA!!!" umm no your not, your a douche bag who doesnt know what a belt is
"IM A GANSTA!!!" umm no your not, your a douche bag who doesnt know what a belt is
"Im a Lasagna Hog, Go hang a salami" is the same Backwards!!!! Mind = Blown
"im a legend!" no ur a tw@
"Im a ninja!" "No your not!" "Did you see that?" "See what?" "Exactly ;)"
"Im A PC" No. Clearly Your Not.
"Im a planker" "Did you just say your a wanker?"
"Im a policeman, LOL jk! I'm actually a Transperth Officer"
"Im a Superstar (8) - Nan t'es d'la merde .. "
"Im A TeEnAgEr"