Page Directory: "Mom, Mom!!, MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!" What?!" Will you shut my door?" - "Mom...I'm bored" "Ok, if you're so bored why don't u clean this..." "Never mind I found something to do."
"Mom, Mom!!, MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!" What?!" Will you shut my door?"
"Mom, Mom!!, MOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!" What?!" Will you shut my door?"
"Mom, mom, mom!" "What?" "GET ME SUBWAY!!!!!"
"Mom, Mom, Mom, Mami, Mama, Ma, Ma, Mum, Mummy..." "WHAT?!" "Hi. Hehehe."
"Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mom, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mummy, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mum, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mamma, Mum, Ma, Ma, Mum, Mu-" WHAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTT???!?!??!?... "Hi :) Hehehehehe"
"Mom, mom, mommy, ma, mom, mom, ma, ma, mommy, mommy... WHAT!!... hi!
"Mom, mom, ok i have to go. mom. i have to go. ok. ok. i have to go"
"Mom, no. Those are not the words to the song. Mother, just... stop."
"Mom, we have to go." "I'm coming!" (ten minutes later..) "MOM!!"
"Mom, when i have my headphones in, please dont talk to me"
"Mom, where are you?" "Be there in 5" (30 min. later) "Mom where are you?"
"Mom, whos God?" "God is not male, not female, not black, not white & loves kids" "oh, Micheal Jackson!"
"Mom,can I get this?" "No!" "Dad,can I get this?" "Sure!" "Yessss!"
"Mom,Im bored"
"Ok, if you're so bored why dont u clean this..."
"Nevermind i found something to do."
(under breath) "Im bored"
"mom,mom,mom" "what?! can't you see i'm on the phone?!" "mom,mom,mom"
"Mom. Just stop talking."
"Mom.. mommy.. ma.. MOM.. mama.. MA.. MOMMMY!!" "What?!" "Hi"
"Mom...I'm bored" "Ok, if you're so bored why don't u clean this..." "Never mind I found something to do."
"Mom...I'm bored" "Ok, if you're so bored why don't u clean this..." "Never mind I found something to do."
"Mom...I'm bored" "Ok, if you're so bored why don't u clean this..." "Never mind I found something to do."