Page Directory: "Oh, when is the baby due?" "...Im not pregnant!" - "Ohh, you would."Obviously I would, I just did!
"Oh, when is the baby due?" "...Im not pregnant!"
"Oh, Who is he?" "You don't know him" "But what's his name?" "*Name*" "Oh, I don't know him."
"Oh, you have a trampoline? We should hang out sometime!"
"Oh, You think smoking is cool?" Im gonna laugh when your dead in 30 years.
"oh, you wanna touch my poof?"
"Oh-TÖNE” - Die Musical-Company
"Oh.. there's a crash up here." *Everyone looks out the window*
"oh... how did you know that?" "faceboook"
"Oh... i was texting what did you say?"
"oh..oh..oh...And boom goes the dynamite"
"Ohaley Yaakov"
"Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind."
"OHH DINN-Unforgettable" Official Fan Page
"Ohh exams!!! I study only one day b4 exams."
"Ohh nan, J'veu pas la voir celle la, vasy on trace !" - "Coucou =) !" - "Et merde =("
"Ohh yeaahh, so what were we talking about, before we got off subject?"
"ohh you thinkk you cutee huh ?!" "nahhh ma, i knoww im cutee" (;
"ohh"ਮੌਜਾਂ ਭੁੱਲਣੀਆਂ ਨੀ →"ਜੌ ਬਾਪੂ ਦੇ ਸਿਰ ਤੇ ਕਰੀਆਂ"←
"Ohh, you would."Obviously I would, I just did!