Page Directory: ♥ I'm selfish, Impatient, && a little insecure . . . I make mistakes at times And I can be out of control & at times hard to handle, But if you cant handle me at my worst, Then You Don't deserve me at my best....♥ - && جهاز الألش غير المشروع &&
♥ I'm selfish, Impatient, && a little insecure . . . I make mistakes at times And I can be out of control & at times hard to handle, But if you cant handle me at my worst, Then You Don't deserve me at my best....♥
♦LIgh✟ De▼i└ ♦
♫ ♪ Who lives in a coffin under the sea..... ♫ ♪....OSAMA BINLADEN! ...whooz freaky and evil but as dead as can be? OSAMA BINLADEN!
ooVoo - תוכנה להורדה בנענע 10 הורדות
&& Kadın gücü &&
&& ami quee? ¬¬'
&& AMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII QUEEEEEE????????????????????????????????
&& he watched her take her make-up off, wondering why she even put in on in the first place ♥
&& i dont think your beautiful, i think your beyond it <3
&& los puercos vuelan'
&& lueggo Qee Qieerees?Qee tta aplaudda,,Qee tee hagga unn molee,,Qee tte hagga unn pary,,Qee tte traeega a loos mariachiis ó Qee chinggaos?
&& my shoes a7sn mnk &&
&& Pensar qee Todo comenzo con un Hola' :33
&& poor esoo Mexiico noo progresa¬¬!
&& si nos αrriesgαmos α ser Felices? :$
&& stand up &&
&& أنحبك هلبه &&
&& إعلانات * إعلانات &&
&& ايوه بحبك بس مش هرجعلك &&
&& جهاز الألش غير المشروع &&