Page Directory: Teacher: Can anyone construct a sentence using green, pink, and yellow? Student: Yes i can! I heard the phone was ringing, GREEN.. GREEN.. so, i PINK up the phone, and i said, "YELLOW, who`s there?" Teacher: ..... - Teacher: DONT FALL ASLEEP IN CLASS! Kid: UG, Just shut up and let me sleep.
Teacher: Can anyone construct a sentence using green, pink, and yellow? Student: Yes i can! I heard the phone was ringing, GREEN.. GREEN.. so, i PINK up the phone, and i said, "YELLOW, who`s there?" Teacher: .....
teacher: can somebody gimme green, pink, and yellow in one sentence? student: i can! i heard the phone was ringing, GREEN.. GREEN.. so, i PINK up the phone, and i said, "YELLOW, who's there?" teacher: .....
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teache...
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there ...
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there ...
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there isn't a God! Student: Sir, can you see your brain? Teacher:
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there isn't a God! Student: Sir, can you see your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Can you touch your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Oh ok so you have no brain?
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there isn't a God! Student: Sir, can you see your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Can you touch your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Oh ok so you have no brain?
Teacher: Can you see God? Class: No. Teacher: Can you touch God? Class: No. Teacher: Then there isn`t a God! Student: Sir, can you see your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Can you touch your brain? Teacher: No. Student: Oh ok so you have no brain?
Teacher: class try to make a sentence with the words green,pink,and yellow. Student: oh i know i know. Teacher:yes? Student:GREEN,GREEN i PINK Up the phone and say YELLOW
Teacher: Class, stand up if you think you're an idiot. *Student stands up* Teacher: Oh, so Jake. You think you're an idiot? Student: Nah, I just didn't want to see you up there all alone(:
Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning. Class: Hooray Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon! like if you get it!!!
Teacher: Copy and answer || STUDENT: Anu daw? COPY THE ANSWER? =))
Teacher: David, give me a sentence starting with "I." David: I is... Teacher: No, David. You must always say "I am." David: Oh right. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet. Click "like" if you get it. :D
teacher: detention! yr7 - noooooooo! il be good yr8 - what..?! yr 9 - im not going yr 10 - im gonna be ill that day so ha! yr 11 - what ever
Teacher: Do a history report on ________ Student: Wikipedia here i come!
Teacher: Do not leave this assignment until the last minute. Pupil: Challenge Accepted!
Teacher: Do you think i was born yesterday?...Student: No, your well old! :L
Teacher: dont back-answer me!... Student: im not back-answerin!.. im jus replyin 2 ur questions ;)
Teacher: DONT FALL ASLEEP IN CLASS! Kid: UG, Just shut up and let me sleep.