Page Directory: YES, it DOES matter who started it. - Yes, Man
YES, it DOES matter who started it.
Yes, it does piss me off when you ignore me!
Yes, It Hurts Tattoos
Yes, it's Cake!
Yes, it's dog
Yes, it's Friday already! Saturday, fun fun fun. Sunday, OH GOSH, it's Monday again! :|
Yes, it's Friday already! Saturday, fun fun fun. Sunday, OH GOSH, it's Monday again! :|
Yes, it's sad to belong to someone else when the right one comes along!
YES, It's Vegan
Yes, its true. I think you look ugly in your profile pic.
Yes, Ive made mistakes... life didnt come with instructions.
Yes, Justin Bieber Is My Son
Yes, Kristína Peláková is my idol √
Yes, Liberals Really Are That Dumb
Yes, Life is Beautiful
Yes, Lord! Amen! That's right! Preach it brother.
Yes, Love Is the Answer
Yes, Ma'am
Yes, Malta
Yes, Man