Page Directory: You Tell Me When I Am Being an Arrogant Son of a Bitch and I Tell You When You Are a Pain in the Ass - You text me, I text back straight away, you take an hour to reply!
You Tell Me When I Am Being an Arrogant Son of a Bitch and I Tell You When You Are a Pain in the Ass
you tell me you "shagged my mum" wanna say that to my dad?
You tell one person something and they tell everyone. Those people suck.
You tell people to calm down and they go even more mad!!!
You tell them a story, "Ya, I was there..."
You tell those spiders Ron
You tell us you aren't a whore, but we already know you are.
You Tell Yours .com
You tell yourself u will sleep for another 15mins but sleep for another 1hr
You telling everybody f*ck me,BUT me! lol
You Terni
You Test You™ Cancer Assessment Test
you text back instantly for an hour straight than suddenly stop, cool.
you text me all day then ignore me in person!? cool...
you text me all day then ignore me in person!? cool...
You text me first, or we don't talk today.
You text me to ask something,I reply and ask you back,You don`t reply back
you text me, i dont reply, dont text me five minutes later saying hey again
You text me, I text back straight away, you take an hour to reply!