Page Directory: If a fly lost it's wings would it be called a walk? :S - If a Girl Has Tattoos, Marry Her
If a fly lost it's wings would it be called a walk? :S
If a foot long is $5, shouldn't a 6 inch be $2.50, not $4.25...?
If a friendshp just stops existing, it was never there to begin with... ;)
If a geek can get fit, so can you!
If a genie gave me 3 wishes, I would wish for more!
If a ginger has changed your life for the better.
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Idiot, don't take her for granted.
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Idiot, don't take her for granted.
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Idiot, don't take her for granted.
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Idiot, don't take her for granted.
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Idiot, don't take her for granted.
If a girl admits that she likes you, know that it took her every ounce of courage she has. Idiot, don't take her for granted.
If a girl can hit you lace out. Wife that bitch
If a girl can kick a footy, wife her.
If a girl can look good without makeup and wear sweats, she is beautiful
If a girl can look good without makeup and wear sweats, she is beautiful
If a girl can't be beautiful without make-up, she isn't worth it
If a girl ditches an episode of "Humsafar" to talk to you, Marry HER.
If a girl has had a load of boyfriends she is a SLUT, But if a boy has loads of girlfriends he is a LEGEND
If a Girl Has Tattoos, Marry Her