Page Directory: If a guy replies to your text while he's playing COD; he really loves you. - If a lesbian has sex with a woman but not a man is she still a virgin ?????
If a guy replies to your text while he's playing COD; he really loves you.
If a guy responds to your text message while playing Xbox, he loves you
If a guy responds to your text message while playing Xbox, he loves you.... Sike he just died.
If a guy sang "Just The Way You Are" to me I'd love him forever
If a guy sang “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars to me, I would love them forever. I’m not even joking.
If a guy sang “Just The Way You Are” by Bruno Mars to me, I would love them forever. I’m not even joking.
If a guy says you're "hot" he's looking at your body, if he says you're "pretty" he's looking at your face, if he says you're "beautiful" he's looking at your soul.
if a guy text you back during dota he loves you LOL jk, he just died
If a guy texts back while playing COD, it means something.
If a guy texts you while he 's playing CoD, he really likes you
If A Guy Texts You While Playing Fifa Or COD, He Really Loves You
If a guy treats a woman like a queen chances are he was raised by one
If a guy wants to talk to you, then he will start the conversation
If a HUG represented how much i loved U,i would hold U in my arms forever..
If A Hug Represented How Much I Loved You ,I Would Hold U In My Arms 4ever
If a hug Represented how much ¡ loved yew, ¡ wud hold yew ¡n my armx Foreva
If a Jedi and Wizard got in a duel, The Wizard would be victorious.
If A Kiss Could Say How Much I Love You , My Lips Would Be Yours Forever
if a kiss was a raindrop I'd send u showers <3
If a lesbian has sex with a woman but not a man is she still a virgin ?????